Chapter 27

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If tears made up the ocean, Evanora was certain that she would have filled up at least half in the past hour. Sobs now came as familiarly as breaths, the trembling of her hands unnoticed after such lengths of pain. And as for her heart, why there was nothing left. Every devastating word that poured from her lover’s lips had long since drowned it in sorrow.

Kade cradled her against him, attempting to soothe her even though he was rigid as stone. Witnessing her pain was worse than experiencing it for himself, and with every break of her fragile heart, her tears tugged at his as well. Slowly, he reached for her hand, smothering it within his own desperate grasp.

“Let me die instead,” she whispered.

“Never.” Kade vowed sternly, “Do not ever say, or even think that again.”

Evanora began to cry into his chest, fisting his shirt in her free hand as she fought not to fall apart. “This is all my fault,” she sobbed, “If I wouldn’t have gone to the Rusty Cutlass that night, if you had never laid eyes on me, you would live to finish this journey.”

With a quiet moan of pain, Kade lifted Evanora’s face parallel to his. “Listen to me.” he commanded fiercely, eyes flashing. “I would not change one moment. Not one, do you hear me? Sure, the lashes and the battles weren’t exactly high points, but I would live them a thousand times over if I could repeat all that happened between us.”

Usually that line would have made her cringe, but on that night it was just what she needed to hear.

“How long do we have?” she swallowed.

“Only tonight.”

As her eyes pooled with unshed tears, Kade buried his face into her neck and her heart shattered anew. Her reason for sanity was about to be dragged from her grasp. They would both lose everything.

"I’m so, so sorry.” she insisted for the umpteenth time.

“Don’t be,” said Kade. “I’m not.”

They sat together for a while longer, silent as Kade rocked Evanora to the rhythm of the ocean. Gradually, her tears refused to surface; her tear ducts were emptied from the recent outpouring.

While attempting to focus her eyes, her gaze landed upon the once still waters. When she noticed an anomalous bubbling, she shifted in Kade’s arms to better glimpse the troubling sea.

“What is it?” he asked, concerned.

“I’m not sure…”

Suddenly, the very ground seemed to tremble in fear or strain, and from beneath the thrashing of the waves, a giant head rose above the surface. The substance of the head seemed to be that of smoke, flickering in and out of focus with the passing currents of air. As more of this paranormal entity broke through the water, Evanora recognised the form of a colossal monk, clothed in shadowed robes, bald head bowed as if in prayer. The beast looked towards them with flaming gashes for eyes, and all breath seemed to evade the lungs of those on board.

“And the truth dawned upon all of the crew- they were doomed…they were dead…they were damned…” muttered Grimme, back to his enigmatic storytelling.

“Holy shit!” screamed Eric from behind them, diving for his sword. He rushed to the side, flinging the metal blade like a javelin with aim so precise that it pierced the creature through the ear. With a howl, it turned its head and Eric’s sword bounced back, aiming blade-first for the weaponless pirate.

Eric had no time to move or defend himself. The retaliation was brutal and instantaneous; he would surely die from the incoming blow. Evanora screamed as he slammed his eyes closed, rooted to the spot.

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