Chapter 32

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“Let him down! He is bound by contract and cannot run."

Princess Meriel’s sweet voice chimed into the four corners of the room. Straightaway, the weapons retreated back into the walls and the net dropped to the marbled ground with a thud. Groaning, Kade untangled himself from the network of rope.

“Bound by contract?” he asked warily.

“Yes, a contract of loyalty to your word, made certain when you said ‘I swear it.’”

“Oh. That contract.” Kade swiped a palm across his forehead in defeat.

“So, we should get started sooner rather than later. That way, if you turn out to be false, your death can ensue as quickly as possible for both our sakes.”

For someone who was hardly more than a young girl, the Princess was intimidating to say the least. Cloaked in the same shimmering whites and creams as the cathedral, she wore a pointed crown of glass and from her neck hung cascades of crystal beads. Honest, beautiful, unyielding and clever, she was royalty through and through. And to be frank, she scared Kade, though he would no more admit that than let her destroy him.

“Get started on what?” he inquired, attempting to distract his mind.

“Well, Mister Skyler, you agreed to do- and I quote- ‘whatever it takes’ to prove yourself worthy of saving. Therefore, I have decided that in order to do this, you must allow me to travel your heart- the ultimate test for truth behind your claims.”

“Travel my heart?” The prospect didn’t sound good. “Care to explain, Princess?”

Meriel narrowed her eyes at his disrespect of her title. “By travelling your heart, I gain understanding of your true desires and the reasons behind them.” she explained. “If I find that you seek the treasure out of greed or for selfish gain, then your death will be both instant and brutal. However, if I find that you indeed have good reason, I will consider your options. Clear enough, Pirate?”

Kade nodded.

“Then let’s begin,” she announced, gliding towards him.

Kade, unnerved by her abrupt approach, stepped back.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he slowed her down. “Look, I know I’m pushed for time here, and I just want to get the crystal and get the hell back to my ship, but are you honestly going to do something as insane as travelling my heart without first telling me what it is or how you plan to do it?”

His babbling betrayed his fear.

“Why, Mister Skyler, are you afraid?” Meriel let out a chorus of laughter. It tinkled around the room like pixie bells, taunting Kade further. When he didn’t answer, she indulged his request, a smile upon her delicate lips.

“Well, alright then. It’s hardly much- I can get a read on your heart with a simple touch to your skin. It will feel uncomfortable, but not exactly painful. The process will last only a matter of seconds, although if I find that you are the selfish pirate you claim not to be, I will take your life sooner than you can blink. Do you understand?”

Kade gulped. “I understand.”

“Well then, you are either brave or foolish, Pirate.”

Meriel stepped forwards again, more gently this time. Pulling open the top of his shirt, Kade allowed the Princess to spread her fingers across his chest. Her touch was ice-cold and hard as diamond. She would not need much effort, he concluded, to reach his heart, for it already threatened to burst out of his body at the rate it was beating. He closed his eyes, waiting for it to begin.

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