Chapter 34

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Kade and Evanora stood together in the centre of the cabin. Outside the battle still raged, but neither of them heard a sound besides their duet of heartbeats. Kade pulled the full chain from beneath his shirt, revealing not one, but two broken pieces of energy crystal. Eyes fixed on hers, he handed one shard to Evanora.

Her eyes flickered to Kade’s hand. It shook slightly as her eyes caressed it, like his fear lay within what she would discover there. As he uncurled his fingers, she gasped with the realisation of just how correct that assumption was.

Staining his palm with inky tendrils was a large dark circle. She unfolded his fingers further, traced her own along its edges. It was permanent, dry, captured in his skin like a tattoo. She raised her eyebrows, the question clear.

“It’s the black spot,” Kade said through gritted teeth. “A signal of my unbreakable vow to return to my death. I’m a pirate: they couldn’t trust me not to steal you and flee.”

“And if you did, they would know?”

“Aye, the black spot is both a symbol and a poison. If I don’t return to Atlantis within the hour, the serum beneath my skin is released into my blood, and I suffocate."

“You weren’t exaggerating when you said you hadn’t much time.” Evanora gaped, horrified. She gripped the shard of crystal tighter in her hand, digging the pointed end into her skin to keep her from breaking down in tears.

She couldn’t let him see her break. However hard this was for her, it was infinitely harder for him. She had to be strong, brave, fearless and mostly unreadable. Like a pirate.

“We should get this over with.” Kade sighed, twisting his hand into a knot around his own shard. He took a deep breath. “Now, the only reason you are in danger is because of the map you bear. It is a danger to Atlantis as soon as it returns to the human realm. Therefore, whoever is cursed with the map is doomed to remain in the city."

Evanora nodded, closing her eyes.

“These crystals have the power to take the map from your skin and imprint it on mine instead. That way, when I…end this…the map is lost with me, and the people of Atlantis are satisfied. You’ll be free. Do you understand?”

“I think so.” Evanora spoke, controlling her voice carefully. She would not let it waver. She would show strength.

Beside her, Kade removed his shirt, the sight making her stomach clench with nostalgia and surge with loss.

“Alright, so when I say so, I need you to press the crystal point-first into my back as hard as you can.”

Evanora wasn’t sure it was possible. Her hands shook too much. She was losing her nerve. “Kade, I-I can’t.”

“Here.” Slowly, Kade guided her hand to the small of his back, flattening her palm there as he fought to slow his heart rate. “Like this.”

Evanora nodded, unable to speak yet unable to show her weakness. His chest was hard against hers. She could feel his heart slam painfully.

“I need to do the same to you, Treasure.” Kade continued, apologetic, rigid with anger at having to harm her. “You should know that only by hurting you can I save your life.”

“It’s alright.” Evanora managed. “I trust you.”

Awed stare locked on her face, Kade reached down to lay his hands gently against her stomach at the hem of her shirt. He took his time as he lifted the thin material up over her head, swallowing as he caught sight of the girl he would never touch again. When her shirt floated to the floor, billowing like a fallen cloud, Kade pulled her against him, unable to keep from wrapping her in his arms.

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