Chapter Five

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Author's Note: Hey guys, I know I know this is really late but what can I say? The holidays are upon us as well as finals and stuff for me. This story has been moving at a slow steady pace (in my opinion) but I'll start ton pick it up in the chapters to come. Blah Blah Blah 

Happy Reading, 


Ps. I didn't edit. 

Chapter Five 

Eva was too wide eyed and shocked to move, instead she stood staring in awe at the man before her. She wanted to question him as to why he was at her apartment and not with his...woman, but his blood soaked dress shirt was enough for her to step aside and allow him to stumble his way in.

This wasn't the first time Palo came to her in such a state, she wasn't sure why he thought she was his personal nurse, but any time he was hurt she would help him without question.

She allowed him to wrap his arm around her shoulder as she led him to her restroom where the first aid kit was. She felt sparks where he touched her, her whole body warmed from his mere presence.

When they finally made it to her restroom he sat down on the toilet whilst she silently searched through her cabinet for the first aid, once she produced it she got on her knees in front of him and unbuttoned his shirt so that she could see his wound.

Her heart jumped seeing the flesh wound that stretched across his defined chest, "Someone stabbed you?"

Palo chuckled, "It's not as bad as it seems, and it's not deep see."

Eva ignored him and began to clean the wound.

"Tesoro, I've missed your face." Palo spoke, his intense eyes studying her face. He lifted his hand to slowly trace her cheek. Eva jerked away from his touch, not appreciating the unwelcoming feelings his touch spurred through his body.

"Why are you here Palo?" She asked, her voice a pitch higher than normal, she knew if she looked at him she'd probably begin to cry. She hated how emotional the man made her.

"I'm hurt Tesoro, who else would I come to?" His voice was matter-of-fact, as though it was something she should obviously know. A month ago this might be the case, but after seeing him with that woman she couldn't comprehend why she was still his go to person in time of need.

"Why didn't you go with that ....that...woman from earlier?" Eva asked through gritted teeth.

"Are you jealous?"

"No not at all, it's not like we're together." Eva lied.

Palo scoffed but made no more replies.

Eva was always there for him without question, though so many questions were nagging her she knew better than to ask. It wasn't as though he'd reply to them. Who attacked him? Why didn't he just go to the hospital? Why didn't he just go with his new lover?

Eva silently dressed his wound, the questions pestering in the back of her head.

"That woman was a business acquaintance." Palo finally said, seeing the way Eva's eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. Jealousy and confusion were etched out on her face.

Eva finally looked up at him, light gray meeting with soft emerald.

"If that's the case why was she hanging off of your arm like that and... calling you 'daddy'?" Eva did not appreciate being lied to.

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