VIII: Something Found

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It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and Jasper was sitting under the shade of a large tree, just behind their dormitory. He had two letters and a couple of sheets of paper on his lap, but he was staring blankly at the scenery before him.

Just yesterday, he and his friends opened his private bank account using his pocket watch, which he had trouble looking for in his room. Barbara had scolded him, so he now carried it with him everywhere inside his pocket. At the bank, an old man with half moon glasses took the watch from him and opened its back. He placed it on what looked like a bar code scanner and waited for a beep from the computer before handing it back to Jasper. He carefully examined his watch before closing it, and saw a small piece of metal with some serial numbers on it, right next to a very pretty ruby gem embedded on one of the gears. The old man winked at him before typing something on the computer. Before long, he was handed a small, square piece of glass. Bewildered, he held it up to the light where it flickered and he felt his fingers burn. He quickly returned it to the old man who simply chuckled and placed the glass on the scanner.

“We’re all set, Mr. McCurdy! I’ve also taken the liberty of forwarding your information to our post office. They said there are two letters waiting there for you” he smiled warmly at him and Jasper’s eyes widened in joy.

He ran to the opposite end of the narrow street where the post office was, and almost leaped inside. The postmaster greeted him affectionately.

“Ah! We knew you would be here as soon as you knew. Here you are Mr. McCurdy, just please confirm receipt of your items in that kiosk, over there” and he pointed to a red machine at the corner.

He stood in front of the strange contraption for about a minute, wondering how to operate it. There weren’t any buttons, or slats, just a wide screen with a scrolling marquee. He peered at it, and it suddenly came to life.

A beam of red light scanned his retina and the screen showed a picture of him, from the bank earlier. It also showed his thumb print, his blood type, and the serial number on his pocket watch. An automated voice spoke.

“Verify acceptance of two letters from SilverValley? Please respond”

“Y-Yes, I have them. Thanks” answered Jasper, still eyeing the machine cautiously.

“Voice match successful. Thank you for your confirmation Mr. McCurdy. Please come again soon”

The screen slowly dimmed and it went back to the scrolling marquee. Puzzled but relieved, Jasper came out and happily went back to his room to look at the letters.

To his surprise, one of the envelopes was blank while the other one was from his father. He read that one first.


I hope you’re doing well. Your mother is now at home, and I’m happy to say that she’s healthier than before. After the first few days, she has suffered from acute amnesia, but she can remember everything now. I’m glad to say that she won’t be needing any medication and she sends her love to you. Have you heard anything from Lisa? I suppose someone has explained things to you by now? I wish you all the luck, my boy, and I trust that you’ll find contentment with your new friends and your new environment.


E. McCurdy

Jasper didn’t know what to feel after reading it, so he put it aside and opened the second letter. He furrowed his brows as he read it.

To Mr. J. McCurdy,

Please be advised that the Ability Classes for you will begin next week. You will be given approximately thirty days to be properly oriented to your specific Class, after which, you will meet with your peers at their assigned time and room. If you have further questions, please coordinate with your partner, Ms. Barbara Reynaldi.

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