XXI: Knowing

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It’s been a week since his escape attempt - and Jasper was wishing he had. He was alone in his room, replaying the events of the past week in his mind.

He had argued with Lisa, and he felt terrible about it. Hadn’t he caused her too much pain already? What about his parents? What if they really were in trouble? Lisa had tried to reason with him.

“Think about your situation for a while, Jasper! The academy wants to use you! Alice and your friends are only trying to prevent that! Can’t you see it?!” she hissed at him.

“I can leave, yes – but them? What will happen to them, Lisa?”

“Forget that Jasper! Think of all the hard work they’ve done to help you – to get us this far! We don’t have much time!” she pulled on his hand.

Forget my friends…? Forget Alice…?

“Lisa…Stop. I’m not going…” his voice sounded resolute.

“Jasper, this isn’t the time to be stupid! Let’s go!” she was now using both her arms to pull him.

But he stood his ground.


The tenderness in his voice broke her heart. Hadn’t she done everything to get here – to help him?! It wasn’t fair. She felt cheated. Lisa wanted to punch him and bawl and wail and cry her heart out. But strangely, she did nothing. She simply stood there, facing him.

“I won’t come back, just so you know. Even if she begs me – even if you, beg me. I’m not taking you back. I won’t wait for you anymore…” her voice was as firm as his.

Jasper was suddenly aware of the silver pocketwatch he carried with him. He remembered the gold ring attached to it. He sighed as he reached inside his pocket and took out the watch, removing the gold ring and examining it.

“I want you to have this” Jasper held out the pocketwatch to her.

Lisa stared at it, her beautiful face expressionless.

“You won’t believe this but, I still love you. Not in the way like I used to…but I care about you…I care about you a lot. And I will always do, Lisa…”

She had known it since he entered the room and had kissed her forehead. She had felt it when he held her in his arms that night. She had known all along, that the man she was so eager to see - the man she had kissed and cared for – no longer existed. The tears came out of nowhere, and it mortified her. She was a woman of very few tears; but here stood a man who held enough of her to make her cry. She wanted to ask so many questions.

What happened in these three months, Jasper?

And yet, he had never lied to her. Lisa only had one thing on her mind at that moment.

“You will never see me again after this Jasper, remember that”

He tightened his grip on the watch, still holding it aloft for her.

“I want you to be safe…I don’t want to drag you into this…”

They were quiet for only a few seconds, before they heard a piercing siren. It echoed in the woods, sending bats flying above them. As Jasper covered his ears, Lisa quickly took the watch and threw it back inside the tunnel they came from. Then she ran away, never looking back.

The siren lasted only a minute before everything became still again. He knelt inside the dark tunnel and found his pocketwatch. He attached the gold ring into it once more, and felt around for the flashlight they had thrown aside. When he found it, he made his way back the tunnel again, sometimes crawling, when the way became too small. Soon enough, he emerged into the underground basement of the Principal Student Headquarters. He pressed his ear against the closed door, listening to the sounds in the other room. He frowned when he heard muffled male voices.

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