3:04 a.m.

190 13 0





"Who's this?"

"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't even know me if you knew my name."

"Oh. I'm guessing you know me, then?"



"If you don't want me to know your name, then what can I call you?"



"Is that an initial of yours?"


"Rian, you don't want to know me. Let alone who I am."


"You wouldn't like it."

"I won't question it as long as you answer a question of mine."

"Depends on what the question is."

"Why'd you call me at three in the morning?"


"Why are you laughing?"

"I called you because I can't sleep, and I figured you had a beautiful mind."



"I have another question."


"Is there a window by you?"

"I have two sets of windows in my room and a balcony as well, why do you ask?"

"Go out to the balcony and look up, please."



"I'm looking up."

"Do you see the moon?"

"Yes, of course."

"Want to hear something?"


"Do you want to hear something?"


"The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections."

"You got that off a website."

"Did you just snort?"




"Liar. You totally did."

"Goodnight Rian."

"I'm sorry, I'll stop laughing."

"It's not just because of you. I took my sleeping pill and it kicked in, so I want to get off before I say some really stupid shit to you over the phone."

"Real quick. I forgot to ask, how do you know my name? I know there's a lot of ways you could know it considering I order pizza routinely and everyone at the nearest pizza place knows me by name and I know them by name."

"I don't work at A Pizza Pie. I am the cliché that is that I attend the same school as you."


"Now goodnight, Rian."

"Goodnight, C."

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