11:04 a.m.

113 12 0

"Why are you calling me right now? We are literally both in school."

"Aren't you in lunch right now?"

"Yes. Please tell me you don't have B lunch. I don't want you getting caught calling me in the middle of class."

"A. I'm with you. And who said I was in school right now?"

"Lunch is closed campus. It has been for the past ten years because apparently some chick and her boyfriend ditched school and then the next day got caught bringing McDonald's laced with pot back into the school."

"Yeah. Leave it to Mrs. Weaver to sniff out the pot."

"The English teacher who smokes during her prep period? Unsurprising."

"Still pretty nice though. Before and after she lights up."

"Haha, yeah."


"Wait, back on track. How are you even outside?"

"Actually, I'm in the courtyard by the language hall. The sky is so blue, I want to just marry it."

"Obsessed with the color blue, huh?"

"Yeparoo. And you're obsessed with theater."

"You know that because I'm usually in every play and Radio Show don't you?"


"Not surprising. And again, how are you out there?"

"My friend and I got special permission from Mrs. Weaver. She's out here grading papers since she didn't want to be stuck inside her classroom all damn day."

"So she heard us talking about her pot smoking ways?"

"Indeed. But here's the thing. She told me that before she told the principal, she snagged a burger from the bag. Best burger in the world."


"Your laugh sounds weird over the phone."

"Oh my God. She actually stole illegal contraband?"

"I know right?"

"That's.... not really surprising when you think about it."

"Exactly. Hey, look, I gotta go."


"My friend wants to play a card game and she's bringing Mrs. Weaver into it."

"Ah. Have fun; I hope you lose."


"Girl, I can see your sarcasm."

"Why thank you."

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