10:00 p.m.

67 4 0

Rian's P.O.V.

There's a lot of bodies at Kyle's house. Live bodies, that is. The house is packed, and even more people are packed into his backyard. It looks as if they are filming Project X. Someone is even being a dj for the party, and I had no doubt in my mind that it is a lighting and sound person from Theater.

Kyle even had a pool, and a few people were swimming around. This sight for some reason leads me to think about my mysterious caller, C, and how she somehow managed to fall off of her roof and land in her pool without getting the least bit harmed.

While thinking of her idiotic moment, I pull my phone out and decide to text her.

Me: hey, I'm here

C: Good, come find me ;)

Me: how

Me: C?

Me: are you even here?

Me: you suck

It's obvious she isn't going to answer me any time soon, so I decide to actually do something: find Kyle. Wandering around, it's hard to pick him out, but I eventually find him rushing around in his bedroom upstairs, along with four other people. They seem to be getting ready for some kind of performance, because a guy with dyed pink hair is tuning a guitar while sitting on the bed.

Soon, when he catches sight of me while changing his shirt, Kyle notices me awkwardly standing there in the middle of his room. "Oh, hey Rian," he beams at me. If his teeth were any whiter, he would've seriously caused some damage to my eyes. "So you finally come? Sorry for the frenzy up here, we're getting ready to perform."

"You're in a band?" I question, just as a girl with a thick body comes rushing out of the bathroom and to Kyle. Her hair is an unnatural teal color, and she talks kind of fast.

"Kyle, Merida just shredded her clothes with a pair of scissors. On accident, this time," she rushes out, and that's when a girl wearing a shredded tank top and matching shredded black jeans comes out of the bathroom, a glare on her face.

"Mer, really?" Kyle laughs, his attention shifting to the girl. "Just come on, we have to head down there."

Merida groans, but links arms with the teal haired girl as they head downstairs. The pink haired guy follows them, and at Kyle's words, another guy comes out of the bathroom, sporting almost blinding silver hair that actually shines.

"Rian, you going to come watch the show?" Kyle asks once me and him are the only two people left in the room.

I nod, "sure."

We head downstairs and make our way through the house to the backyard. There, there's a makeshift stage set up on the patio that wasn't there before. Or at least, I don't think it was.

Kyle and his friends are soon up there, and before long, it's like a full blown concert in his backyard. The teal haired girl is singing, and the song they're playing right now is Wild by Troye Sivan. It wasn't everyone's taste, but right now, even the majorly stereotypical emos and goths were enjoying it.

The girl standing next me, who I vaguely remember being in a class with, turns to me. "Isn't Calypso's voice amazing?" She asks.

I nod in reply, watching the performance. Then it hits me. The girl up on stage, singing; the girl with the teal hair, is her. C. Calypso McCarthy.

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