10:18 p.m.

71 4 0


"What do you want? I was sleeping."

"I... I'll leave you alone then."

"Wait! Tell me why you called."

"It's nothing, I can handle it on my own."

"If you sound this broken, it's not 'nothing'."


"C, just tell me, please."



"I need a distraction, okay? Something's going on in my house and it's making me freak the fuck out and I can't handle all of what's going on right now."

"If you don't mind, what's going on?"

"My sister and her boyfriend are arguing over drug money, and my father is threatening to call the cops on him. My mom's in my little brother's room, trying to calm him down considering he has bad anxiety and can't handle fighting. He's worse than me. Then I'm here on the roof."

"Wait, if your dad calls the cops, wouldn't your sister also get in trouble for possession of marijuana?"

"She has a medical marijuana card. It helps cope with the pain considering she has a really bad back and constantly gets migraines. My dad is threatening to call because of a domestic dispute so the neighbors can't beat him to it."


"You know, I know a bit about your family but I don't know a whole lot of personal stuff about you."

"I'll leave a note in your locker."


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