1:10 a.m.

57 4 0

Rian's P.O.V.

Calypso is there when I finally make it up on the roof, and she's grinning a cheesy grin that's complete with deep dimples. Her feet are dangling off the edge, and she's kicking them playfully like a child would. Her hair is messier than an average teen's during exam week, and it suits her more than anything.

"You know, I never thought it'd be you," I admit, sitting down next to Calypso and dangling my feet over the edge as well.

"Why? Because I'm much more weird in real life?" She grins again, raising a brow for more effect.

"That's a part of it," I laugh as she playfully hits my arm at my admittance.

"Shut up. You're not supposed to agree," she sounds mad, but there's amusement behind her tone and she's trying not to chuckle.

"I think it's too late for that," I comment, before admitting the real reason why, "it's because you know exactly who you are, and I have no clue who I am, so I act to be someone, even if they're fictional."

"Woah, there, theater nerd," Calypso stops all movement except for her mouth, even her eyes train on the pool below us and stay there. After a minute of this, she stands, stripping off her clothing to reveal a bikini underneath. "Let's go swimming."

With that, she jogs backwards a little before doing a running start and jumping off of the edge of the roof. I don't have time to shout before she lands into the middle of the pool with a splash. Everyone's dead silent for a few seconds, and then they all cheer before training their eyes on me.

My eyes widen in fear, and before my mind can process the situation I'm in, I'm already stripping myself down to my swim trunks I wore underneath my jeans just in case, and am already running, jumping, off of the roof. I do two backflips before cannonballing into the water.

Popping back up, I'm greeted with Calypso's grinning face, and we high-five each other as we laugh.

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