1:37 a.m.

51 4 0

"You know, usually I'm the one who calls you this late at night?"

"Eh, it's super early morning."

"What's up?"

"I feel fucking amazing, Cal."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sitting on the railing on the side of the bridge overlooking the whole town. It's so beautiful."

"What are you doing there?"

"Everything was so loud, I couldn't think at all. But now I can."

"Rian, you're worrying me a little."

"Cal, I'm fine. I have a secret, want to hear it?"

"Okay. Sure."

"I love our conversations. I love the fact that all this time I was talking to you, the girl who already knows who she is."

"There's only a few things about me I don't know."


"When I'm going to die. If I ever get marri-"

"No one naturally knows that kind of stuff."

"I'd like to know though."

"Cal, we all do, don't we? Even if we are afraid of death, we always wonder when and why we are going to die. And how we're going to, also. Except sometimes we don't know it unless it's about to happen. Until it eventually does happen."

"You have got to stop thinking like that."

"I didn't even get that off of a website this time."

"Yay, you're original for once."


"Seriously though, you're kind of different."

"Eh, have been jacked up on coffee and caffeine pills all weekend. Been getting absolutely no sleep."

"Join the club."

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