Together Forever~Robstar~

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♥♥Starfire point if view♥♥

Robin started to blush really red. Was it because of my question or because of my presence? So I asled

"Robin are you blushing because of my question or because of my presence?"

" Hey look! A hotdog commercial!" he said in a nervous way. I just looked at the screen where the dancing hot dog was dancing. It was a little amusing.

"Hello Miss can I sit next to you?"I wondered who that voice belong to. So i turned my head to see who it was.When I turned around, I saw the most cutest guy he had long hair that was blonde and blue eyes.

"Yes of course you can sit with me!!"

I said in a loud voice but the guy kept staring at me so I asked why.

"why are you starring at me do I have something on my face?" I quickly tried to cover up my face with my hands.

"No I just got lost in your beutiful green eyes and beutiful red hair"he said in a voice I can't describe but it was so beutiful. So I giggled and blushed.

"so what's your name? "


"Starfire? about I call you star for short"

"oh okay so what is your name? " I asked. I am very happy to have a new friend to talk to!

"oh my name is Dylan"

"oh hi Dylan hehe"I blushed. I think I have a small crush on him.

♥♥Robin's point of view♥♥

So a guy came and sat next to star then I notice him looking at her and saying how beutiful she is. I got jealous when he called her star  because I'm the only one who can call her star!So I began to distract star from that guy.

"hey star, we can share the popcorn togheter just telling you so you know"

"oh why thank you Friend Robin"

"hey star you can hold my hand or hug me during the movie if you want if you get scared" He had the nerve to wink at her. He's lucky I am a hero, if I wasn't, I would be tearing off his eye.

"oh okay, thank you Dylan"

"anytime" Dylan sat back on his seat and placed his arm around Starfire's shoulder!

Starfire began to blush. I can't believe he just asked her to hold her hand and hug him and she agreed just like that! But more importantly, she is letting him put his arm around her.

During the movie starfire hugged Dylan the whole entire time. I wish it was me who starfire was hugging.

♥♥starfire's point of view♥♥

I kept hugging Dylan because I was the scared,  then when the movie was over, he asked me if I wanted to go somewhere special tonight. I did not know what to say ,but Robin was not going to ask soon so why not? I said yes.He said he will pick me up at 8:30 I  thought it was a little late but I agreed.

♥♥everyone point of view♥♥

"hey starfire why so happy"asked Raven as she put down her spell book.

"oh because I am going on a date with a guy named Dylan, he is the most sweet!" Starfire sighted dreamily at the memory of Dylan.

"Dylan?who is Dylan?" Raven asked Starfire as she looked very concerned.

"only a wonderful man"

"oh okay" she shrugged it off.

Raven then was think inside her mind that it would be best to tell Robin about this whole situation.

"Robin Robin" She yelled twice.

"huh? oh hey Raven"

"Robin Starfire she is going out wi-" Robin cut her off

"With Dylan yeah I know" Raven seemed surprised that Robin knew and wasn't doing anything to even stop the event from happening.

"and your not going to do nothing! "

"no, its her life she deserves to be happy even if it's not with me"

"Just talk to her. Maybe she will change her mind"

"okay I will try"

Robin went to Starfire's room and knocked.

"who is it?"


"oh please enter"

"starfire I have something to tell you"


when he looks at starfire, he gets lost in her green eyes then he notices what's she is wearing. She was wearing a short dress ,a little to short, and her hair was curled.

"um..I see your ready for your date"

"yes now would you excuse me I have to go"

"oh right bye"


Robin dropped on his knees dramatically and screamed."why me!"

End of that now for TEEN TITANS PARODY SHOW!:D

Me:see told you so

Robin:told me what?

me: because you did not tell me that you like starfire I let her go with another man!

Robin: your a mean girl you know that right?

Me:that's it starfire is staying with Dylan!!

Robin:What no!!


Robin:wait were did you get the name Dylan and why? I used to like a guy named Dylan!!!

Robin: ha! he will never like you!

me: What why!?

Robin:because he likes star!!!

me: so....

Robin:so..he only has eyes for starfire not you!!

Me: -.-

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