Together Forever~Robstar~

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♥♥Dylan's point of view♥♥

I was nervousto see that alien girl. She was so very beutiful more than any othere girl I known for a while or dated. When she finally came outside of the tower, I could see that she looked so beutiful.

"hey star you look really great" I smiled admiring her beauty. She giggled then blushed

"why thank you!" She smiled.

"your very welcome were do you wish to go?" I asked as I directed he river to my car that was parked around the corner.

"well how about the park and the dinner"I noticed she could not speak English well but... that attracted me more. I could help her learn.

When we walked to the park, I offered her to sit with me.When she did we did small talk.

"so star, how do you like the date so far?" I got ahold of her soft hand.

"I love it!" She interlocked her fingers with mine.

I looked into her eyes and she looked at my eyes. We both leaned to kiss each other, when we did it was magic! Sparks kind of filled my stomach with happiness. Was it even this possible to be that happy just because of a simple kiss?

♥♥Starfire point of view♥♥

We were kissing, but I felt weird . It felt like this was the wrong. Really wrong so I pulled back.

"what's wrong? "asked Dylan in a soft voice that made me do the blushing. I have to stop doing that.

"Nothing. Everything is the okay!" I tried to make a smile, but failed.

"well okay so we should do this again some othere time" He didn't even notice my frown.

"sure" I shrugged it off. Perhaps I'm being to clingy.

He gave me a kiss in the cheek and then I just left. I though he did not care or know me like Robin. He always knows if something is wrong with me or if I am lying. He is the most sweetest too! I love him maybe I should tell friend Robin that right now!!

♥♥Robin's point of view♥♥

I was sad but worried if star was okay so I decided to wait for her while the others sleep.Then I saw starfire looking pretty beutiful but no!I must not look at her that way. She loves Dylan not me.

"oh why hello friend Robin what are doing up so late? " She looked at me with a straight face. Even that made her look cute.

"waiting for you to see if you were okay." I explained

"oh. The weather is very cold. Why don't I make hot coco for both of us!" She suggested.

"okay" I nodded in agreement.

While I was waiting, I was thinking of how should I tell her I love her. Its kind of difficult to the your crush. Starfire then walked into the living room and asked if  I wanted marshmallows . I said yes and then she grabbed bad of small marshmallows and then dropped them in my hot cocoa.

♥Third point of view♥

As Starfire and Robin sat across from each other, they started to stare at each other's eyes. Well starfire was staring at Robin's mask. When they both noticed that they were staring, they looked away and blushed.

Robin  began drinking Starfire's hot coco that she made and I told starfire "This is the best coco I ever drinked" with a huge smile.

Starfire was a little surprised by his words. Nobody ever told her that her hot cocoa was delicious.

Silence filled the room immediately. Robin kind of felt awkward so he said " hey want to go drink our hot coco in the roof"

Starfire looked at him with the biggest smile on my face and she said yes.

They both stood up and took the stairs to the roof. They sat down next to each other. The view of the moon and stars was really great. "Oh...Robin look at all the stars in the beutiful sky..they are the most enjoyable to watch! "

Robin looked at Starfire. "Sure there beutiful but not as beutiful as you!"

Starfire blushed a little with Robin's words. She then yawned. She stood up to get some rest, but Robin got ahold of her arm and kissed her.

Starfire felt really wrong kissing two guys in the same day so she pulled away. Robin seemed a little hurt, but he understood.

" I need some rest" Was all that Starfire could say as she walked away to her bedroom to think about her day.


Robin: really am in this show again! -.-

me: yeah but we have a guest here with us!!

Robin: okay who?

Me: Dylan!!! ●ω●

Robin: wow... really Dylan!?-.-

Dylan: hey Mary thanks for having me in your show! ^.^

Me: you are so perfect I mean you are so welcome! :D

Dylan: okay then...o_O

Robin: I know she is creepy.

me: Please stay quiet!

Robin: make me!!

me: ugh! I'm to lazy.

Dylan: okay I'm leaving now.

me: no you are going to stay Dylan boo!!

Robin: great anothere kitten run for it DYLAN!!


ME:I love you come back!!!!!

Robin:Comments? Votes? followers?

(( I can't believe I wrote that Parody... I don't even know what was wrong with me..... Lol anyways, editing is going great...I guess.))

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