Together Forever~Robstar~

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Chapter 6
♥♥Robin's Point of  view♥♥

I was walking away as far as I could! It hurt me knowing that the love of my life had a boyfriend, but it's her life she can do whatever she wants.Then I heard someone call my name.

"Robin please don't go. I have to do the talking with you!" She grabbed my arm which made me stop walking.

"um.. sure star what do you want to talk about?" I really wanted to tell her I didn't care I just want to go home, but that would sound rude.

"About us!"

"Star again I told you the other night was a mistake and we're just best friends! "

"Robin if that is how you believe we are then... you must be right! " she flew away crying ,but of course Dylan was hugging her! He obviously wouldn't let a chance go just like that.

♥♥Raven's Point Of View♥♥

So in was  in my room just meditating and reading a book and then beastboy came to knock on my door.

"Hey Raven can I come in please? "

"Beastboy, do you really need to disturb me!?"

"Just for a while please? "


"Raven I need to talk about something important"

"okay beastboy, make it quick and worth my time because if its something stupid I will send you to another dimension!!" I warned him.

He took and deep breath and said it.

"Raven I-I Love you!"

Did beastboy just say he loved me? what should I say and what do I do!? Its just kind of shocking that he would love me... After all, I am dark.

"um..beastboy. What are you trying to say?"

"That I love you and I want us to be

more than friends"


"So what do you say Rae?"

I was confused but I did have feeling for beastboy. Would we even work out? Maybe I should except his offer. Its the closet I could get a boyfriend and I do kind if like him.

"Sure Beastboy"

"Really? Sweet and you can call me BB Rae!" Beastboy winked at me so I blushed really red.

"well okay but we can't tell the others only starfire because I trust her also Robin...okay maybe we can tell the others since mostly everyone is going to know."

"okay Rae, I love you"he said giving me a kiss on my forehead, it was small but I liked it!

"okay bye BB" I observed as he walked to the door.

Then after a few minutes after beastboy left, Starfire came to my room crying.

"Starfire what's wrong? " I rubbed her back in circles for comfort.

"oh Friend Raven, I am having the boy troubles!  oh... I don't even know if I have a boy to have the troubles with!"

"Starfire is it Dylan? DID HE HURT YOU!? because if he did I wi-"

"No friend Raven, he did not hurt me. What hurts me is that Robin thinks of us like friends when we both know we love each other! " She practically screamed in my ear.

"Starfire, Robin is probably having a hard time give him some time."

Then when I told her that she snapped!

"No!! I cannot do the waiting anymore!! It has been more than two years I have been doing the waiting!!!"

"Starfire calm down"

"Sorry friend Raven ,but I can not be the calm without Robin next to me and saying that he is in love with me!"

She left the room and then I decided to go to Robin's room to talk to him.

Okay I made a new book also about the TEEN TITANS it has Romance about Robin and Starfire, Beastboy and Raven, and we can't forget Bumblebee AND CYBORG! :D






ME: HI DYLAN!!! ˇ﹏ˇ

me: oh and yes hi starfire how can we forget you? You're awesome! :D

Starfire:Why thank you! ^.^

Me: hey Dylan too bad we don't go to the same school. I miss you!

Dylan: okay..o_O

Starfire: okay before it gets the weird please read the other book called


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