Forever Together~Robstar~

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Chapter 14.

♥♥Robin's Point Of view♥♥

I was walking all day searching for my love.I was about to give up but then my communicator starts beeping so I answer.

"Raven ,what's up? did you find star?" I said in a worry tone.

"no but I had a vision she is just walking around lost!"

"Alright, go tell the other Titans..I will search and when I find her I have to help her remember! "

♥♥Starfire's Point of view♥♥

I'm so happy am getting married!! oh...I must hurry if am going to get my dream dress I picked out from a magazine..hope they still have the dress.

I started to walk l around looking to find a weeding store to buy my dress. I was not really paying attention were I was going so I ended up bumping into a teen. It looked like he was my age he had a  R in his right next to his heart in his costume.The colors of his costume were Yellow, Red, and Green. He also had a mask and cape that made him look mysterious.

"oh..I am the sorry...I was not looking where I was going" I started to blush out of  being embarrassment.

He looked at me with a frown soon it become a huge smile then he hugged me tight.

"um..I do not know why we are doing the I know you or something? "

♥♥Robin's point of view♥♥

I hugged her but she asked me who I was! I let her go and saw her in the eyes to see if she was lying but no..she actually meant it.

"Starfire...don't you remember me at all?"

"I'm sorry, no..should I?"

"Yes you should...I am your Best friend!"

"oh...I am sorry who ever you are, but I do not remember you..."

It broke my heart knowing that she forgot about me.

"oh..sorry my name is Robin and you belong with us the Teen Titans! "

"W-What did you say?"

"You belong with the  Teen Titans! "

" I am not as horrible as you Teen Titans! "

"What? what do you mean?"

"Dylan explained everything to me..The Teen Titans are nothing but cruel and cold people! "

"Starfire Dylan is lying to you! Where superheros...we don't do bad things! "

"I do not believe such a lie! Dylan has been the most sweet and I believe he would never lie to me!"

"Starfire he is! He is the bad guy..the one who made you lose your memory! "

"please um..Robin do not blame others for horrible things they never did! If I remember Dylan told me you and your team made me lose my memory! "

"What!? we would never do that"

"I do not wish to speak to you any longer so will you excuse me I must go!"

I noticed I piece of my life was leaving so I grabbed starfire by he waist leaned her back and kissed her.

She pushed me and with anger she slapped me.

"How dare you kiss me!! Don't you see I only love one! And soon we will get married! "


"oh..and why not?"

"because I love you! !"

"I'm sorry ,but I don't" starfire said walking away.

That's it...everything is over..I really hate saying this but..Dylan won...he won something precious to me..I just hope he treats starfire with respect.

Small note:Okay so how is the story so far?

If you don't like it let me know I can change it! Yes I have that much power! hahaha (evil laugh)!

okay enough about that now for TEEN TITANS PARODY WITH STARFIRE AND SILKIE!!:D

Me:Welcome one and all because today we have Starfire and Silkie! :D

Starfire: Greetings everyone! ^.^

Silkie: ∩ω∩

Me:so you two are one of  the best owner and pet people! ^.^

Starfire: aww thank you! Silkie and I wanted to thank you for having us here! ^.^

Silkie: :)

Me:aww your welcome hope to see you both soon again in the Teen Titans parody!:)

Starfire:Me and Silkie would love too!^.^

Silkie: :D

Me: cool sorry but we have to say goodbye since we are busy well I'm busy but join us next time!



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