Together Forever~Robstar~

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♥♥Starfire's Point of view♥♥

I saw Dylan hang up the phone and walking to me with a big smile.

"Hey star" Dylan said going on his knees and holding my hand.

"Greetings " I said looking away.

"Starfire I know your mad because I did not let you go outside but there is a very good reason why.."

I looked at him again in his eyes

and said "and what is that important reason that I have to stay here? "

"Star...I don't want you to get hurt!"

"and may I ask why would I get hurt?"

"Because of the danger of the people who did this to you!!"

"and who did this to me?"

"The Teen Titans"

I looked at him for a moment. That name sounded very familiar , but where have I heard it before?

"The Teen Titans? and who are they?"

"There a group of teenagers that are very mean and they pretend to help you, but they only want to hurt keep away from them"

I was thinking for a moment *maybe they where the ones who hit me and made me lose my memory...oh and Dylan he has been the most sweet protecting me and I'm here getting all mad at him*

"Dylan..I am are only protecting me...and me just getting mad at you....I'm so so-" when I was about to say sorry Dylan cut me off by giving me a kiss.

When our kiss ended, I felt like it was wrong, but I did not know why..

"Common star..we still have to plan our wedding remember? " Dylan said holding my hands and trying to help me get up.

"You are the right! may I ask where our wedding is going to be?"

" church we get married and in a ballroom we will party all night! "

"Oh sounds wonderful!! But who are we going to invite? "

"Don't worry babe, I have that under control..The only thing you have to do is buy a wedding dress and some decorations"

"well...okay but Dylan can I go buy my wedding dress alone? "

"um...I don't's to dangerous"

"oh..please Dylan..I want it to be a surprise!"I said with the puppy eyes so he would let me.

"well...oh alright go ahead but be back soon..!"

"okay I will" I said exiting the room.

♥♥Raven's Point of view♥♥

Ughh! searching all day made me very tired. I almost fainted ,but this never happened to me..EVER!!

Then I started to get anothere vision but it was not clear!

The only thing I could see is an image that was very blurry. .but then it started to get clear and I saw STARFIRE walking somewhere but I could not see where...when I started to focus more my vision was over...

I know I had to tell Robin and the others! If she is walking somewhere we can probably find her.

So thanks for all of your comments and some comments said that we should have silkie, RedX, and my friend Lisbeth!!


Me:Hey everyone Today we have RedX , my Friend Lisbeth and of course silkie!!!! :3

RedX: Hi!-.-

Lisbeth: omg Hi!:D

Silkie: ^.^

Me:okay so Lisbeth....


Me:Do you like RedX!?:0

Lisbeth:What!? No!!! Why would you think that! ? -.-'

RedX: hey! I'm cute! many girls would want to date someone like me!!-.-

Silkie: :|

Me: RedX your not cute!-.- and Lisbeth because you wanted him in the show!! >:)

Lisbeth:Only to make things interesting! -.- am just getting used..I'm leaving!


Me: :0

Silkie: :0

RedX: ':|

Me: okay...this got awkward..Joint us next time and COMMENT WHO YOU WANT IN THE NEXT SHOW!:D


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