What Comes Next?

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So this is the end my friends (why do I feel like that's a song lyric?) of my zombie apocalypse series. I know a lot of you want Bailey and the gang's adventures to continue, but I feel their story is done for now. It's been a crazy ride, and while I will admit it's a little sad to say goodbye, I'm excited to move onto something new. 

My next move will be an Urban Fantasy series that will be exclusively released on Amazon in their Unlimited program which means I cannot post the stories anywhere else (not even on Wattpad). If you (or a generous family member) have an Unlimited subscription on Amazon, you can read the books for free (when they are actually published). If not, they will only be a couple of bucks to buy. 

Some of you early readers may remember my book Where The Wild Kids Are (remember Eva and the rude voice in her head?) and that's what the series will be evolved from. So if you liked the snarky humor and fantasy elements, you can find it new and improved in my Anahira Chronicles series (again, when I finally release it). I will post an update on Wattpad to let you know when it is available. 

EDITED TO ADD: I am considering posting the unedited book on Wattpad as I write it to get feedback, garner some interest, and to motivate my butt to get writing, but I am hesitant because of Amazon's strict rules and their history of taking it out on innocent authors just to catch a few scammers :/ Technically I wouldn't be violating their rules since I will take down the book before I publish it; I just have to hope that there weren't any leftover Wattpad links when I do... I will let you know what I decide.

So, does that mean I am done with Wattpad? No, but I can't promise any updates for the foreseeable future (yes, this means for Vacancy too). But if you are truly a fan of my writing, you can always check in on my website or Facebook page for up-to-date information. And my zombie books will always remain on here for free to read as well! 

I wish you guys all the best! Let's go kick the rest of 2017's butt!

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