Chapter 10: I'm Not Ready

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Chapter 10: I'm Not Ready


"I wonder where we are." I said, turning around and looking out the window of the bus.

"FUCK!" I heard the bus driver yell as the bus came to a stop and the next thing I knew, my face was headed right towards the asphalt.

When I woke up, all I saw was black. I couldn't seem to open my eyes, but I knew I was awake because I could hear things going on around me. I desperatley tried to open my eyes, to move a body part, anything, but it was no use, none of it worked. I heard a beeping, kind of like a heart monitor at a hospital, shit! Suddenly, I heard sobbing.

"Christian." It was Sarah. "Please wake up." I tried to talk, to reach out to touch her, but I couldn't. What the fuck is happening? "Christian, just answer me, that's all I'm asking for." She cried. "You can't go yet Christian, we just started a life together." Go? Where am I going? "It's not your time yet CC, YOU DON'T FUCKING DESERVE THIS!" She screamed. My time? I just wanted so bad to wake up and hold her in my arms, to tell her everything is going to be all right.

"Please don't die on my Christian." Die? Oh fuck. "You can't go yet, your fans need you, your band needs you, Kaitlyn needs you, I need you Christian! I love you so much! I can't loose you, not yet."Suddenly, I heard the beeps start to get faster before they flat lined. No!


"Ma'am, if you could please leave the ro-"


"We need you to leave the room so we can help them,so we can try to bring him back."


"Fine, please just stand over there." The next few minutes were filled with doctors talking, trying to bring me back to life. "I'm sorry Mrs. Mora, your husband didn't make it."

"NO!" Sarah screamed. "I CAN'T LOOSE MY HUSBAND, NOT YET! THIS ISN'T FUCKING FAIR!" She screamed.

No, I can't die yet! What about Kaitlyn? I can't let Sarah take care of her all by herself. Come on, please let me wake up! I'm not ready to die yet! No! No! NOOOOOO!


"CC! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I opened my eyes to see all the guys standing in front of myb unk.


"You woke us all up! You were yelling no repeatitivley." Jake said.

"I-I'm alive?" I asked, sitting up.

"Of course." Ashley said. I gripped the skin on my arm, twisting and pinching as hard as I could to make sure I was indeed awake.

"Quick, slap me." Soon, I felt all four hands slap me in various places.

"Ow." I said, rubbing my cheek where Jake slapped me the hardest. "Ow! OW!" I screamed with a smile. "I CAN FEEL PAIN! I'M ALIVE! I'M NOT DEAD! I'M NOT DREAMING!" I screamed taking a lap through the bus.

"What the fuck is this all about CC?" Andy asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh God, I had a horrible dream that the bus crashed and I died!"

"I'm going to bed." Jake said, climbing back into his bunk.

"Try to get some sleep." Jinxx said, patting my shoulder. Everyone returned to their bunks and I shrugged, climbing back in, but not being able to get back to sleep. I grabbed my phone off the charger and walked out to the lounge, sitting on the couch. I dialed Sarah's number and held the phone up to my ear.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you and Kaitlyn so fucking much. I promise that I'll always be here for you and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"What the fuck did you do Christian?"

"Nothing, I jut woke up from a nightmare. I'll tell you about it when I get home."

"Umm alright then, go get some sleep CC, night."

"Night, love you." I said with a smile. I hung up and went back to my bunk, quickly falling asleep.


Did that scare any of you? Leave your feels down below :)

xTheSilentGirlx gave me the idea

Listening to You're Insane~ Escape The Fate


CC Read, Now We're Wed (Sequel To Love At First...Read?) {2}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant