Chapter 2

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I kept sitting on the floor thinking about what just happened. Why did he kiss me just like that? I don't even know him, he is a stranger to me. But more importantly, what I was thinking of kissing him back? Now he thinks I'm a slut or an easy target. Even I think that of myself now.

How did I even know how to kiss him and why did I even respond to that kiss? Sure I have kissed guys before but never like that. That was way out of my comfort zone and what I'm used to doing. Nevertheless, the other thing he did.

He is hot I can't deny that but they kidnapped me without a reason. And now I suppose to be his slave or something? And are they going to keep me in this room forever? What about school? My friends? Oh god, I don't even want to think about my parents. What is their reason? This seems like a movie from my perspective, do people do things like this nowadays?

There is no way I'm sleeping with him here. I need to get out. What time is it?

Then the door opens again showing a new face that I haven't seen before. Or did I? I'm not even sure anymore, they keep barking in without knocking or even asking. Not that they have to because this isn't my room. Besides this room is so dark light that I cannot tell the difference between them until they're practically breathing to my face.

He wasn't as tall as the others but he looked good too. He had orange hair and I could see him sliding his fingers through his hair. Like he would have just got from the shower or under the water. His height and figures were kind of the same as the guy in that alley.

But am I kidnapped by a bunch of hot men that are used to being in those reality shows as a single man? Because as far as I know, these guys are hot.

But he didn't have happy look on his face. He looked like he wouldn't give a damn about me being here or even about my existence. Oh god, what now? I stood up and backed away a little bit.

''Relax I just came to say that lunch is ready.'' The guy said when he entered the room.

''Lunch? Seriously what time is it?'' I ask.

''It's about noon why?'' he asked confusingly.

''Well I'm pretty sure you kidnapped me around the night, did I sleep that long?'' being sarcastic is probably a bad idea.

''Yeah, you were passed out the whole night. Now come to eat!'' I sit on the bed crossing my arms because I still don't trust them and I don't want to have lunch with them. Could they poison me or put drugs in my food to make me do everything they want!

''I'm not hungry I'm not coming with you jerks!'' I yelled at him.

''Suit yourself. I wouldn't mind if you starve to death. Don't beg for food after this.'' he said and left locking the door again.

Great, locked again. I'm starving, to be honest, but I don't want to. This all took my appetite. Well is it such a surprise? Being kidnapped and locked into someone's room, do you think of food at first?

JK - Pregnant by a killer (chapters under editing, will appear soon)Where stories live. Discover now