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You woke up, still tired. You stood up and took a shower, hearing Jerome in the living room. He was awake too. You dressed and walked to the living room. "Good morning i made us waffles" Jerome said and put the plate on the table. "Since when do you cook?" You laughed. He shrugged " I felt like it, I hope they taste okay". "I'm sure they will" You smiled. You ate the waffles, they tasted better than you thought. "These waffles are good!" You said and finished your first waffle, he smiled. "They really are!?" he seemed like a little child when something worked out, it was adorable. The whole psycho murder thing fell away when he was like that. You smiled at him. "They really are". He sat next to you, "Good" He said. He watched you eat the waffles. "Jerome stop staring, you know i don't like that" You said and turned your head towards the ginger. "Hm sorry" He turned away as you finished your breakfast. You put your plate away and sat down. "It's sunday, your rest day. What you can call a rest day" you said. "I want to do something fun today, like go to the trampoline house just out of town. You agree?" He said and smiled. "I agree" You laughed. "Go get ready then i am".

You and Jerome were driving to the trampoline house. "Don't break your neck" Jerome joked. "Promised" you laughed. At that moment a car was speeding at the turn. "Jerome! Watch out!" You yelled but it was too late. The car crashed into your car. "Y/N!" Jerome yelled and you fell into the water with the car. You passed out, you've been hit in the head and it was bleeding. Glass shards everywhere, in your body too. You could feel a hand on your back lifting you up before not feeling anything anymore, it was like a long sleep. Once it felt like you were awake you wanted to open your eyes, but you couldn't. It was like the bottom part and top part were stuck together, like glue. You heard Jerome voice, "Is she going to okay". "Probably" a voice said. You weren't okay? You needed to show Jerome you were fine. You couldn't move 'Shit!' You thought. You wanted to move so bad but it wasn't possible. You couldn't remember much from the accident, only that it was too late to save yourself or Jerome.

~ Two weeks later ~

You could hear them, Jerome came everyday. It was really sweet. Your parents came every 2 or 3 days. You just wanted to wake up but you couldn't. You heard you door open, someone was in your room but you didn't hear anything they said. Someone held your hand, not Jerome or your parents you knew how their hands felt. You heard an unknown voice. "Y/N i have never told you this, but i like you. Very much. If you don't wake up i've at least told you this". Someone had feelings for you and you were dying? The strange person kissed your forehead, you wanted to hit them because the only one you allowed to do that was your dad. Oh god who could it be? School was over for 2-3 months, could it be someone of school. It was a male voice. The door opened and closed again. 5 minutes later it opened and closed again. Someone sat beside you, and it was the voice of Jerome. "Please wake up" The sentence he said almost everyday. You really wanted to give him a hug and tell him what just happened. You had no idea what time it was or what day. 

A touch of fear // Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now