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You woke up later that day with no Jerome, just a card.

"I'll pick you up at 6pm, put on a dress and nice shoes.
Love you.
- J"

UH okay? You couldn't just let him hanging so you decided to be ready in your best dress at 6pm. It was 11am right now so you had a while, wondering why he left you alone. You wondered, not caring. Who knew what he was up to? Probably something you wouldn't want to be involved in. You ate breakfast and Oswald wasn't there, you shrugged. You had the house for you alone and put 'W.D.Y.W.F.M' from the neighbourhood on.

"Maybe you're right, maybe this is all that I can be
But what if it's you, and it wasn't me?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
Four weeks ahead, I thought that I should think some more
I'm fucked in the head, and my mind is turning into a whore"

You sang all the lyrics with the song. You loved the album 'I love you'. You basically loved the neighbourhood. You related to a lot of their songs.

6pm arrived quicker than expected. You were ready in your best dress and shoes. That's when you heard the doorbell ring. You ran to the door, almost tripping because you were wearing heels. Not the best decision, but it was for Jerome. Opening the door you saw Jerome all dressed up. He grinned at you. "Ready?" He said holding his hand out. You nodded and took his hand. He leaded you to this beautiful car. The ginger opened the door for you, you stepped inside thanking him with a soft kiss on the cheek. He later stepped in himself. The unknown driver drove you to this palace like something. You stepped out and Jerome took you inside the palace. "Jerome this is beautiful what are you planning?" You chuckled. He looked at you "Just wait Y/N I know you don't like surprises." He then smiled. "Oh god a surprise!?" He nodded and you playfully pushed him. "Common tell me!" You begged. "Nope" The redhead said and knew you were annoyed. You were indeed annoyed and he was very much enjoying it.

After a while he and you were sitting down on this long table with many other people, including Bruce Wayne. You were sat next to him, not even realizing who he was till people started talking to him. He probably liked that you didn't even notice him. Bruce was probably one year younger than you. You just sat there talking to Jerome until he stood up and walked away, no reason why. He didn't tell you anything just said he had to go somewhere. Well whatever. Bruce started talking to you, he was very nice and polite. You saw Theo Gallivan go up on the big stage in front of the table. You weren't paying attention till you realized Jerome hasn't been back since 20 minutes. You quickly looked around the room, no Jerome. You stood up from the table everyone staring at you. "Uh sorry, bathroom?" You ran, almost tripping over your heels again. "Jerome!?" You started yelling. "JEROME!?". Bruce ran after you without you even noticing. You ran into every room, one was locked. Suspicious. You tried opening it with a bobby pin when Bruce tapped your shoulder. You gasped. "Holy shit don't ever do that again!" You hissed at Bruce. "Sorry, but i have the key if you want?" He held the shiny gold key up. You snatched it out of his hands and opened the door seeing Jerome on the ground. You ran up to him. He didn't speak. You checked his pulse and your heart dropped. He had no pulse. You started crying and Bruce ran in worried. "I-is everything okay?" He asked. No answer. "HE'S DEAD" You cried out and just laid on the ground crying. Not moving. Heart broken, again. Tears streaming down your face. He was dead and you didn't do anything about it. Bruce tried calming you down. No he couldn't calm you down. Who ever killed Jerome must pay and die.

"No Bruce you can't help me, i'm not ok, i won't be ok till i kill the human who did this."

~ The End ~

-HOLY LORD I DID IT THE END IS HERE, WHO KNOWS IF THERE WILL BE A SECOND PART! The Title will be 'Touch of [In]Sanity' thanks to @1KinkyKatie1 GOOD BYE FOR NOW!-

A touch of fear // Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now