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How long have we been walking, ten minutes, ten hours.... Forever?

I can tell that shaggy and his followers are slowing down their pace to stay with me and it is frustrating them.

But I have been running for hours and I am tired!

"Are we almost there or can we take a break?" I don't want to seem whiney, but I just want a short break.

"Quiet, rogue"

"I am not a freaking rogue! How many times do I have to tell you before you get it through your thick skull?!" I snapped.

I didn't mean to snap, but I am tired and calling me a rogue upsets me. I didn't mean to go rogue, it's a misunderstanding!

I didn't see Shaggy stop, nor did I see the back of his hand coming towards my face, until I stumbled a bit from the force.

My cheek stings from the contact and instantly I cup my cheek. The heat of the hit warming my hand and I force the tears back.

I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

Instead, I square my shoulders and continue walking in the direction we were going. I am certain that I will have a bruise on my face from the hit, but with my healing, it should only last about a day or two.

Shaggy jogs ahead of me again and I just roll my eyes.

He is lucky that we are tired or I would show him rogue. Rose huffs in my head.

Maybe before we leave whatever pack we are in. I add in, wanting nothing more than to put shaggy in his place.

"What pack is this?" I keep my voice even and emotionless as I continue walking.

"Shadow Wolves" Shaggy responds without looking back.

Shadow Wolves? There is no way I ran that far? Shadow Wolves territory is a good twelve hours away, if not a little more!

My blinks are becoming slower, and for the most part I keep my head down. Wouldn't it be great to be able to walk and sleep at the same time. Maybe if I pretend to fall, one of them will carry me so I can rest?

Before I fake injury, I see a break in the trees up ahead and a house comes into view. It is easily about four stories high and as long as a football field. It's beautiful, with its white columns and blue shutters on every window. There is a huge balcony on the top floor that wraps around one corner of the house and a beautiful garden of different flowers, lines the the front of the house.

This is definitely the pack house and judging by the looks we are getting, the pack knows I am a rogue.

The wolves that were following us, leave as Shaggy opens the front door and leads me inside.

It. Is. Beautiful.

Floor to ceiling windows cover the back wall of the living room and frame the forest like a work of art. The light wood floor contrasts nicely with the white walls and stone fireplace that sits in the corner opposite the windows.

To the right is a large, modern staircase that is white, with light wood tops and plexiglass sides. Straight ahead I can see white tile and what looks like granite counter tops.

"This way." Shaggy seems impatient as he leads me to the staircase.

I don't know how much longer we can go, Aspen. I am tired and he is being rude. Rose is quieter than she usually is, but then again we did apparently run over twelve hours and haven't eaten in a while.

I will ask the Alpha if we can just stay the night. We will go back home tomorrow. I respond with a yawn.

I follow Shaggy to the third floor. There are a few doors that are clearly bedrooms but at the end of the hall there is two doors that are marked 'Alpha' and 'Beta'. Why are their offices here? That's weird.

"These rooms belong to some of our best warriors, so if something happens in the office, they can be here immediately." Shaggy said in what sounded like a warning.

Wait did I say that out loud?

About half way down the hall, the most amazing smell invaded my senses. It was like fresh green apples mixed with a woodsy smell after the rain.

It is fogging my mind and my wolf is restless. Suddenly the 'Alpha' door is thrown open and out steps one of the hottest guys I have ever seen, if not the hottest.

I know I have a mate, but damn, a girl can appreciate a fine work of art.

His light brown hair stuck out in different directions in a way that screamed "Run my fingers through it!".

His eyes flicker between honey brown and black, his wolf is fighting for control. Crap, it's because he can smell a rogue in his pack house!

I stop walking in fear of facing the sexy Alpha. I can't tell if he looks mad, in fact he looks more in awe of something. Maybe he recognizes me as an Alpha's daughter?

I can't seem to stop glancing down at the thin piece of black fabric, clinging to his muscular frame.

I wonder what those muscles would feel like under our fingertips. Rose purrs.

Rose! Behave! But she has a point.

"Alpha, this is the rogue that demanded to see you." Shaggy announced with a slight tilt of the head to show respect.

I shot a dirty look at shaggy.

"Seriously, still with the rogue? You are lucky that I am exhausted because I have had it up to here, with being called a rogue!" I hold my hand at eyes level as shaggy's eyes grow a little darker.

"Is that a threat, Rogue?" Shaggy takes a step towards me with his hands in fists at his sides.

Yeah, I'm tired, but even a few hits would be worth it. Maybe even a slap.

Before he can take another step, sexy alpha steps between us. His back facing me as I stare confused at the muscle clinging fabric.

"Enough, Gage. You will respect my mate and your future Luna." his voice is deep and - wait

"What?!" Shaggy and I yell at the same time.

I take a step back and then another, stopping only when I hit the wall. I probably look like a deer in headlights, but I don't care.

I have a mate, Jackson.


Impossible. She whispers.

Both Shaggy, whose real name is Gage apparently, and sexy alpha turn to look at me. I have surpassed deer in headlights and look probably terrified.

"I don't feel so well." Was it the best thing to say ay this moment, no.

But I can't think of anything else to say. I didn't realize that I had sat down until Sexy Alpha kneeled in front of me.

I gasped at the sparks that erupted when he put his hand to my forehead.

I'm pretty sure my eyes can't get any wider. It feels like they are already bugging out of my head.

He looks so concerned and I can't help what came tumbling out of my mouth.

"I can't be your mate."

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