The Truth

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I can feel my body shivering from the cold that is still washing over me as Reeds tongue glides gently over his mark.

Slowly,  the warmth begins to flood back through me and I am very aware of Reed's chest against my back.

My eyes snap open as memories come back of where we are and what exactly happened.

Jackson staring wide eyed at Reed and I through the cell bars.

I stare curiously at him, waiting for Rose to say something or beg me to go to him. But she doesn't.

Instead she purrs contently at the feel of Reed's hands moving soothingly up and down my arms.

"Shit." Jackson whispers as he takes a few steps back from the bars.

Something is different.

Yeah. We have been marked. I say sarcastically.

I unknowingly lean back as Reed's hands circle around my waist.

No, not that. Smell the air. Rose says before purring at the feeling of Reed's thumb rubbing circles on my stomach.

I close my eyes and sniff the air. My nose crinkles at the disgusting smell of the cells, but other than that. I only smell the two guys in here wit-


The smell of fresh green apples mixed with a woodsy smell after the rain, fills my nose.

Mate!! Rose yips happily.

I take another sniff realizing what Rose was talking about.

I growl as I tear out of Reed's Grasp. I can feel my eyes getting darker as Rose fights for control.

"Aspen, I--"

"Save it. You've been lying all this time. You knew I wasn't your mate!"

Jackson stares at me as he shakes his head no, repeatedly. Reed has apparently caught onto my thinking, as a threatening growl from behind me. But I don't take my eyes off of Jackson.

"N-No. It-it's the mark! It m-must have -"

"STOP LYING!" I roar. My voice echos through the empty cells and I am surprised by the power behind it.

Not as surprised as when two whimpers fill the air. Jackson bowed his head in submission quickly at my words. Shocked at this behavior, I turn to Reed questioningly, but he just stared at me with wide eyes.

I try to find something to say, anything, but I'm at a loss. Jackson was able to disregard my father's Alpha voice. I didn't even try and I got him to bow his head in submission.

I look back to Jackson, tired of all the games we have been playing. Finding your mate should be a happy occasion. Instead all I got was heartache and confusion.

"Jackson. The Truth." I commanded, ignoring the slight burning I feel in my chest.

"I just wanted to be Alpha. They told me to choose you."He spoke so quietly, had I not been a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard it.

"Who.Are.They?" Reed growled behind me, but I cut him of with a growl of my own.

"My Alpha caught a rogue on our land a few months back, who claimed to be working with Witches. The Witches were helping a Rouge leader achieve ultimate power or something and in exchange for my help getting out, promised me a meeting with a witch." my heart drops at the idea of witches being involved in my life at all.

Why do they care about rogues? What ultimate power are they helping them obtain? My eyes widened in realization.

Has all of this been about this stupid locket? My fingers idly trace the chain around my neck as I debate how to phrase my next question.

"The witch said you would be an easy target as she didn't see a mate for you. The spell would trick your wolf into thinking I was your mate and would only be broken if your mate marked you." Reed growled and rushed to the bars, pulling frantically on them and clawing towards Jackson.

"Reed, Let's ju-"

"I will fucking Kill you, mutt!" Reed growled as he continued to pull on the bars trying to get to him.

"I didn't know! They said that her future showed nothing!" I stopped trying to get Reed's attention as Jackson's words.

Reed continued to yell and Jackson yelled his defense, but I didn't listen to any of it.

My future showed nothing? How can that be? Once again, my fingers fly to the necklace.

"Did they tell you about the Locket?" if either one of them heard me, they didn't respond.

The two of them kept arguing like children.

I can feel the anger consuming my veins like a wild fire. The power building inside me as my frustration grows.

"ENOUGH! DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE FUCKING LOCKET?!" My voice, one continuous growl, caused both Jackson and Reed to drop to their knees in submission but I didn't bat an eye.

I just starred them down until I couldn't ignore the burning in my chest anymore. My scream pierced the air as I clawed at my chest, trying to get the burning to stop.

"Aspen, what is it? What did you do?!" He shouted at Jackson.

I felt his hands running over my cheeks, trying to find a source of my pain. His hand moved down the curve of my neck and he pulled away quickly as if I burned him

"What the Hell? Your necklace is hot!" I could feel his fingers trying to get the necklace off but as expected, it didn't move.

Black spots filled my vision and the last thing I remember before losing consciousness is that he was right. The burning is on my chest not in my chest. 

I can hear running water and feel the warm sun on my face, as I lay still trying to get my surroundings.

"It's okay to be awake. I have been waiting for you." A musical voice fills the air  and I would know that voice anywhere.

I open my eyes quickly, blinking rapidly at the bright blue color that surrounds me. It takes me a few seconds, but soon everything begins to make sense. A woman in a white dress stands beside a small waterfall smiling fondly at me.

"Welcome to my garden, Aspen." She gestures to the side and my jaw drops.

Trees and flowers line the path that I am standing on. The colors so vibrant that my voice is lost at the beauty.

"You have been marked, I see." She says walking towards me.

"Yes. Reed Kennedy is my mate." The only response I get is a soft sigh.

"You are now marked. Mate or not, the power is unlocking."

"But Reed's my mate, right?"

"The power will not be shared until you are mated, but it can still be stolen by the one who isn't your mate."

"Do you mean Jacks -"

"Be careful, Aspen. Danger is near."

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