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The locket, it's off of me and on the floor. The power that was promised is mine now. Whatever that means. I don't feel any different.

I had hoped that when the locket came off, I would finally get answers to questions that have been swimming in my mind. But I am disappointed to find nothing but more questions.

What did she mean when she said 'my power is yours'? What power and why did she thank me?

I can feel Reed's grabbing my face in his hands. HIs grip both gentle and firm, silently commanding me to look and assure him that I'm okay.

"Aspen? Baby look at me, please," his voice a desperate plea and it tugs at my chest, and I allow him to move my head to face him.

My breath catches in my throat as I look at Reed. My eyes nearly bugging out of my head as I trace over every dip and curve of him. It's all the same as it was last night, except he's glowing.

It's a soft white light, that reminds me of moonlight emanating from his skin. It's a beauty that I don't think I have ever seen in my life, as it lights his tan skin so perfectly and captivates my attention.

It's so faint, that I could try and play it off as trick lighting or something more scientific if it weren't for the fact that I'm glowing too.

I had reached my hand to cup Reed's cheek and the glow from my skin caught my attention. It's the same ethereal glow that coats Reed's skin.

My eyes travel from my arms to Reed, following the glow like it were a map leading us to answers. His eyes are wide as he takes me in the same way I search him.

"You see the glow too," I meant it as a question, but it was a statement, and his slow nod confirms my thought.

Mate. Rose purrs softly, in my mind.

I don't know what just happened exactly, but whatever it was, it's taken its toll on Rose. I can feel her in my mind, but it's the same feeling like when your limbs fall asleep. It's tingly and I can tell she's tired.

"Aspen?!" Multiple shouts from just outside the door pull my attention from my gorgeous mate.

The shouts are frantic and mix quickly with fists pounding against the door. Reed reacts much quicker than I do.

I'm still lost in all that has happened, floating from one minute to another like a leaf in the wind.

He checks that my robe is secure before standing to open the door. People spill into the room, questions flying as they survey the room. My dad's horrified eyes find me, still on my knees and he freezes.

I don't blame him in the slightest. His only daughter is on the floor, in nothing but a robe and he can probably smell that I'm fully mated. If I wasn't so shocked at everything that just happened, I would be embarrassed and a deep shade of red.

"We heard screaming, but it seems we got the context wrong," Asher snickers, ignoring the disapproving glare from Reed as he claps him on the shoulder.

The look my Dad and Ian send him would be comical in any other situation and any other day I would be beyond horrified. But something else catches my attention.

My dad and Asher both have a soft red glow, while Ian is a soft shade of blue. My eyes scan the colors, noticing that even though my dad and Asher are both red, they're different shades.

"Reed," my voice is low as I find the strength within me to stand.

My body is shaky and I feel like I just ran one hundred miles rather than having just woken up not even ten minutes ago. Reed wastes no time running towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist to steady me.

I glance at the locket still laying on the floor by my feet. It seems harmless enough but I don't want to put it on again. I know the power is already unlocked, but I can't bring myself to even want to touch it. Still, something is telling me to take with me.

That it's mine to protect now.

"Get the locket please," I point to it, ignoring the crazy look from Reed that I would even want it back.

Still, Ian reaches down and grabs it, looking at it like it's some alien object.

"Aspen, are you okay, Kiddo?" I can see the uncertainty in my dad's eyes; in everyone's eyes as they watch me, but I smile away their concerns.

I am okay, despite everything. A little shell-shocked, probably, but I just need time to wrap my mind around everything.

"I'm okay, Dad. Just ready to get home," It's the only truth that I can seem to manage.

I'm more than ready to get back to Moonstone. To figure out this Alpha thing with Reed and to piece together what the hell is going on with me. I'm ready to settle back into a life of pack meetings, treaties, and my mate.

However there is one thing I need to do before I leave, or should I say someone I need to see.

"How's Jaclyn?" everyone shares a look that I didn't know. But I do, I know it all too well.

It's the look people share when they know a piece of information that will hurt someone they love. I have worn that look many times in my life, it comes with being an Alpha and a good friend.

You would think that having to use it so often, it would be easy but it's not. Every time is harder than the last.

"She's comfortable in Dylan's room," Asher says, but his eyes stay downcast, never lifting to meet my own.

It's all I need to know to confirm my theory. Jaclyn isn't doing well and they are surrounding her with Dylan's things so that if, when, she dies, she will have been comforted by her mate.

"Take me to her." I begin to move forward, but when Reed doesn't move with me, I'm forced to take a step back.

"I don't think that's a good idea," is all he says, holding me close to him like I'll get rebellious and run away.

"I didn't ask if it was a good idea." I snap back at him.

I am not a child and I don't need to be treated like one. I know what I can and can't handle and I don't need him to tell me something is a bad idea. I'm an adult and can make my own mistakes.

But I don't think that seeing Jaclyn is a mistake. If anything, it is the one thing that at this moment, I am absolutely sure about. I can't even explain it, but it's like she's calling me, begging me to come find her.

"I'll go myself-" I move to pull my arm away but Reed stops me, cutting me off before I can even finish my sentence.

"Fine. I'll take you." I can see the displeasure on Reed's face, but I don't let it bother me as he looks towards Ian and my dad, "but can we please start making preparations to go back home?"

I want to ask what home he is referring to because at this moment, my home is still Moonstone and he is Shadow Wolves. But I don't focus on that now. It can wait, but Jaclyn cannot.

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