Dark-Haired Woman part 1

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Hours have passed in silence and not for a lack of trying on Reed's part. I could feel him poking and prodding on the wall I've put up but I refused to let him in. If his annoyed sighs are anything to go by, he's not happy about it.

But right now, I don't care. I need to get my thoughts and feelings in order before his thoughts get muddled with mine.

I don't want to leave my family.

I never thought about running any other pack other than the one I was raised in. And Reed has pretty much already said the same thing. He was born and bred for Shadow Wolves.

I can't ask him to give that up for me and I don't want him asking me to give up what's rightfully mine.

I feel the shift in the air as soon as we pass the Moonstone border and for the first time since Ian brought up the whole pack thing, I breathe a little easier.

Wolves race next to us, following the car as it moves deeper into the pack lands. Reed grabs my hand and I know that he is trying to get my attention still. Trying to get me to talk to him, but I don't want him to see what I'm hiding.

I'm scared and after everything, this isn't something that should be discussed in a car with my dad and Ian.

There are too many questions and not enough answers. What I need is to talk to the dark-haired woman who started all this. I need to ask her to clarify exactly what's going on because how can I make a choice when I don't have all the facts.

Okay. Rose responded to me, even though I don't remember asking a question.

"Aspen?" I can feel Reed's breath fanning my skin as he whispers against the shell of my ear. The desperation in his tone has my head turning to face him before I can talk myself out of it.

His eyes are weary as we stare at each other in silence. I don't need to be in his mind to know that he's worried. But I don't have the words of comfort that he wants to hear, so I tell him the only truth I can think of.

"I love you," I whisper, locking eyes with his for a moment, so he knows that come hell or high water, it's the truth.

My dad parks in front of the packhouse, my mom and Jenna barely able to keep themselves on the porch. Arms wrap around my middle and I can feel Reed pressing against me from behind. A safety that I crave in his embrace as his breath fans against my neck.

"I love you, Aspen," he whispers, pressing a kiss to his mark on my neck.

Run. The word like a jolt to my system from Rose, and before I can even think about it, my feet are moving.

I can hear the shouting behind me, but I am moving to fast towards the trees. The wind is nothing but a whistle in my ear as I dodge trees and jump over fallen logs. I don't even know where I'm going but I can feel that I'm heading towards something.

My heart is slamming against my chest and my breath is coming out fast when I finally come to stop. My eyes glance around me, looking for any reason I would have come here, but I see nothing but trees surrounding me.

I scream in frustration scaring a few birds that were perched in a tree. I can hear my name being called, the sound echoing through the trees, making it hard to tell how far away they are.

"Hello, Aspen," I turn quickly at the melodic voice, my breath catching at the sight of the dark-haired woman in front of me.

"You're here," I breathe out with my hand of my chest. The woman smiles slightly while raising an eyebrow delicately.

Has she always had a small glow to her?

My name echos through the trees again, this time closer than before. On instinct, my head turns toward the sound. I don't like the panic that is in Reed's voice but I can't leave yet. The woman is here and I need answers. He'll find me soon enough.

"He won't find us unless you want him to," my eyes snap back to her, the shock causing my brain to freeze for a minute.


"Your mate," she says simply her arms gesturing towards where my name is coming from, "You called for me?" She laces her fingers gently in her lap looking at me expectantly.

A beat of silence passes between us as my mind works to play catch up. Reed is looking for me. He won't find me unless I want him to... and I want him to find me here right? I want him to meet the dark-haired woman...

"Wait, I called you?" my mind feels like a merry-go-round turning and turning, one thought to another, trying to make sense of my surroundings.

"Technically Rose did, but I was expecting the call," She steps forward, one of her hands gently resting on my shoulder as she speaks, "This is the last time you will see me, Aspen. I've been waiting for this."

There's an emotion behind her words, but I can't tell what it is. Excitement? Sadness? Both?

"Waiting for what?" I have a million other questions that want attention, but that's the one the slips out.

"The power has unlocked and once We're done here, I'm free to go to him," a wistful look crosses her face as she looks off into the distance.

My own heart hurts watching her and my mind turns to Reed. He's yelling for me and the desperation in the air as he tries to find me still rings in the air and I can just imagine that his expression would look like hers right now.

Still, I have to ask, have to know.

"Who?" the word is but a breath and the woman looks at me and the sadness within her eyes hits me like a truck.

"My mate."

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