The Plan

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There are plenty of seats for everyone in this room, but somehow only two were left open.

One by Jackson and one by Reed.

Somehow I felt choosing one of those seats would be seen as a choice for a mate. So of course, I panicked and stood behind my dad. I look up from the spot on the table that I had been staring at only to be caught in the honey eyed trap. His eyes were trained on me and I tried to show how sorry I was for everything. I hope they will both forgive me, no matter what the outcome.

"Aspen, did you hear what I said?" My dad asked impatiently as I snapped out of the trap.

I gave him a sheepish smile as I shook my head no. He pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at me again.

"I had asked you if you had any inclination to who your mate is? Stronger scent, pull, anything?"

"This is fucking stupid! Admit you aren't her mate, mutt or I will fucking kill you right here!" Reed slammed his fists against the table causing the wood to crack from the force.

I jumped from the viciousness in his voice. He looked lethal and Jackson was a fool if he wasn't scared, even a little. Even I could tell that his wolf was on edge, but one look to me and I knew Dash was trying to keep calm because I asked him to keep Reed in control.

Gage grabbed Reed and pulled him back and stood in front of him. Before anyone could respond, the door opened and warriors flooded into the room, surrounding Reed, Gage, Jackson and Ian.

What shocked me the most is they surrounded my Dad as well. I stood there in silent astonishment as the guards teamed up and held someone down while they fought roughly for their freedom. Only me and Uncle Jack were left alone.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

"Get your mutt hands off of me!"

"What's going on, Jack?!"

Reed, my dad and Ian all started yelling at Jack who was walking calmly through the warriors.

"Uncle Jack? What's happen-"

"It is the only choice we have to find an answer." his voice a deadly calm as he reached into his back pocket and pulled something out of his back pocket.

The growls and shouts from the room were getting louder, but it was like I couldn't hear them as I watched Jack revel a dagger with a sleek black handle. My breath hitched as I watched the silver gleam in the light. My heart pounded against my chest, but my body was frozen.

"I'm sorry, I wish there was another way. But the blood closest to your heart will react with your mate. One stab and we will see who your mate is." My horrified eyes met his calm ones.

How could he be so calm?! He is talking about stabbing me! With silver!

"Pl-please" I whimpered, but my legs still refused my command to move.

"Don't you touch her, Jack!" My father yelled in his Alpha voice.

Jack's steps hesitated before he pushed forward and grabbed me. He stepped behind me, holding me gently. The silver dagger in his hand, pointed towards my chest.

"Please don't cry. Trust that I would never hurt you." Jack whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

I honestly didn't realize that I was crying. Suddenly, every noise came rushing back to me and I could hear the murderous growls that echoed through out the room. My dad and Ian looked furious as they struggled and cursed at the warriors holding them back.

"It will be quick. It is the only way." Jack announced to the room, pressing the dagger closer to my skin.

"TOUCH HER WITH THAT DAGGER AND I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU AS SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY AS I CAN FUCKING THINK OF!" Reed's voice was deeper than I even knew capable and his face looked murderous.

Dash had taken control. Anyone who dared touch him was punched and immediately knocked out. One by one all the guards who were around him fell into a pile at his feet. His dark gaze quickly fell on me.

"I found your true mate." Jack breathed releasing me from his hold.

Instantly, all the guards, who weren't unconscious, let go of who they were holding and filed out of the room. Leaving everyone stunned and confused except for Reed who still look like he would kill the next person who looked at him wrong.

"I. WILL. FUCKING. KILL. YOU!" He began to stride towards Jack, whose eyes widened with fear.

"Aspen, Calm him please. You know I would never hurt you!" In that instant, I realized that it was all just a game of Chicken.

No male wolf would ever let their mate be hurt for any reason, and Reed proved that he would do anything, fight anyone for me.

When he came close enough, I finally snapped out of whatever had paralyzed me. I ran straight towards Reed who was still walking towards Uncle Jack. I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

His breathing was heavy and every exhale was a growl, but soon his arms wrapped tightly around me and buried his face in my neck inhaling my scent. Rose purred happily at the feeling of him in our arms. I could feel his body relax and I pulled away slightly.

His eyes, their normal color of honey, held me captive.

"I'm so sorry. For everyth-" His lips cut me off as they smashed against mine.

I wasted no time returning the kiss. his tongue swiped along my bottom lip asking for entrance but before I could grant it, someone cleared their throat uncomfortably. I had forgotten about everything in those few minutes. My dad, Jack, Ian, Jackson. Even that stupid locket, left my mind. It was only me and Reed. My mate.

"Take Jackson to the cells. We will get to the bottom of this after everyone has calmed down." My father said.

Ian wasted no time grabbing Jackson and pulling him away. Jack approached Reed and I but Reed growled and pulled me closer. Jack put his hands up in surrender and walked out with my dad. I could hear them talking but didn't care to know.

Before the door even latched closed, his lips were on mine, spreading a fire through my entire body. Every where, his skin touched mine, sent a spark that ignited the flame even more.

I broke away for oxygen, but kept my fingers tangled in his soft hair. His lips stayed on my skin and I unconsciously arched my body closer to his, not that either of us were complaining. His hands skimmed along the hem of my shirt and I gasped when the touched my bare back. I don't think I will ever get used to these tingles.

I could feel a moan building as he nipped and sucked on my neck, but i bit my lip to hold it in. Sadness washed through me as he pulled away suddenly to look at me. His eyes swirled with black and I am sure, were a reflection of mine.

"You're mine. I won't be without you again." He said, his voice husky.

Guilt flooded through me. This is all my fault.

No, it's not. it is mine. I should have known. Rose said quietly as she purred at Reed's hands on my skin.

I don't blame you. There has to be some explanation and we will find it.

I opened my mouth to apologize for everything. But 'I'm sorry' doesn't really sound like enough to cover everything that happened.

So instead I crashed my lips to his and didn't hesitate to grant his tongue access.

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