Fine. Go.

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I am frozen in my seat,  watching as Reeds wolf growls threateningly at Ian and the warriors.

Aside from looking extremely pissed off, Ian seems calm.  Almost like he knows Reed is all growl and no bite. 

Or Ian is stupid. Rose points out. 

Ian isn't that stupid, he would never challenge an Alpha...Right?

My thoughts are cut off when I notice Reed begin to stalk towards Ian. I keep saying Reed, but I know that Dash has control.

Panic begins to bubble in me. I shout the first thing that comes into my head.

"Dash if you attack them, I will never talk to you again!"

His big wolf head snaps in my direction. I can't help but feel a little scared when his pitch black eyes stare at me. I don't back down. I will not let him hurt my family, even if it means that I challenge him.

Rose is staying the back of my mind, not bothering to talk to me, so it looks like this is all on me.

I must be stupid to challenge an Alpha.

Dash growls loudly at me, causing me to flinch slightly before he literally jumps out the window and runs into the woods. Everyone's face shows the same emotion, pure shock.

What got him so angry? Surely he knew that I was going to leave with my pack? In fact, I know he did, he was in the room when I was on the phone asking to come home.

"Well, Thank you Beta Winters, for taking care of Aspen. Please tell your Alpha the same." Gage nods his head slowly in response to Ian's words, but his eyes meet mine.

I'm crazy. That is the only way to explain why I see pleading in Gage's eyes. He has been trying to get rid of me since he first found me and now it seems like he his pleading with me to stay?

I follow Ian out of the office and Gage, opens the front door. Before I can step out, Gage grabs my elbow softly.

"Aspen, he is your mate. You can't just leave him."

"I don't know. I can't have two mates and Jackson was my mate first." My voice is small as I try to wiggle out of his firm gasp.

"You say that, yet you aren't marked! How can you deny how Reed acts like a mate? That isn't an act! You didn't know him before, I did. He has found his mate and you are her."

I can feel the honesty covering every word he is saying, his eyes begging to be believed. The truth is a part of me wants to believe him. Wants to stay here with Reed as my mate and waking up every morning to him.

But the other side knows that I felt something for Jackson. The sparks started when he touched me and I only got to spend a little bit of time with him. Is it possible to have two mates? Could the moon goddess be so cruel?

No. Something is wrong here, I don't know what, but something.

"I'm sorry." I finally twist my arm our of Gage's grip and all but sprint to the car Ian had sent for.

"Are you okay, Penny?" Ian asks as I crawl in backseat next to Ian.

Am I okay? What kind of question is that?!

He is just trying to be a good friend, Aspen

Don't even get me started on you Rose! What is going on with all this mate crap?! I thought it was supposed to be the best thing to happen to us!

I thought so too. Rose whispered before closing herself off from me.

Guilt floods through me as the car begins to pull out of the driveway. I didn't mean to yell at Rose, but this whole situation is so confusing.

Why did I have to get this stupid locket?! Is this 'power' even going to be worth the trouble that it is causing me or am I always going to worry that someone is using me?

Suddenly, the car lurches forward and I brace my arms on the passenger seat so I don't hit my head. I can hear the voice shouting in the car but I am only focused on one thing.


He is standing in front of the car in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts that are hanging dangerously low on his hips. If it wasn't for his honey eyed gaze trapping me, I would be captivated by the rapid rising of his muscled chest. He must have run to stop us.

I take a few deep breaths before I open the car door and step out to face him. His eyes follow my every movement and Rose whimpers at his heartbroken expression.

"So that's it then? You're just going to leave without a word? Without acknowledging your mate?!" He growls out the last part with so much force, my eyes close as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I can't be your mate. It's impossible." My voice is so low, I would think he couldn't hear me.

"And yet here we are! You cannot deny that you feel it!"

"It's impossible." more traitor tears fall.

"So you are leaving me? Have you even considered that the other guy isn't your mate? If he was, why hasn't he marked you?" I can hear his heartbreak with every word and it is like a silver knife to the heart.

I can't tell him about the locket or the fact that I met Jackson before I knew about it. The warning was clear, take nothing at face value.

Jackson found me before all this. No matter how conflicted and confused I feel, I have to remember that Reed came after the warning. He could very well be the evil that was looking for me.

"We were attacked. You know the rest. I'm sorry." I turn away not being able to look into those honey eyes anymore.

Reed sighs heavily and I fight against everything in me to stay where I am. Even Rose is pushing against me, quietly whimpering for me to go and comfort him.

"I'm an Alpha, I will not beg. If you want to go, then Fine. Go. I want only your happiness. I accept your choice. " I couldn't help it, my eyes snap to him at his words.

So much sadness reflected back at me in his eyes. If possible my heart broke even more. I decided to go to him. One more hug, one more touch, maybe he could convince me to stay.

Before I could move, he shifted into his beautiful grey wolf and bolted back into the woods. I Silently let my tears fall as I climbed back into the car.

As the car started to move again, the air was filled with a long, sorrowful howl that caused more tears to escape my eyes and I turned away from Ian's sympathetic gaze.

I can't have two mates. So why did that feel like a rejection?

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