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When I reached home with a disheveled appearance and hair like a bird nest, I was reluctant to tell my parents anything. I know they would be worried; since I was really late in coming back home because I made it clear I would be gone for ten minutes tops. But it's been nearly forty minutes and I know my appearance would make my parents worry.

What should I tell them anyway? That Baekhyun, whom I tried to defend ever since he was here actually tried to kill me? That he has no conscious, just like how they told me? I know they were mature enough not to rub it in my face, but I didn't want to see the disappointment in their eyes, I don't want them to believe Baekhyun was broken beyond repair. I'm sure they would take him from me – and the new card – and lock them away. I'm positive I would never be given another opportunity to obtaining cards. I didn't want to tell them about the new card too; because if the card was a five star as well, I wasn't sure if he would be different than Baekhyun or not.

"Honey, what happened to you?" I didn't realize I was already home and standing blankly in front of the living room until my father called out to me from his position on the couch. He was frowning, I noticed; even if I didn't look at him to know. I didn't want to look at him, because I know I might break down if only I strained my head in his direction. The memory of me possibly getting murdered was still ringing in my head, and I don't  know if I ever would let it go.

"Nothing dad, I just fell." And then I rushed up to my room before he realizes I was lying, and that the tremble in my tone was more than just exhaustion. I knew his eyes were on me even if I ascended the stairs, they were practically boring holes into my back. I didn't dare look back at him, and closed the door of my room gently to not rise suspicion.

I slumped on my bed the moment I reached it, and flung the two cards in my pocket away in some corner in the room. I wasn't in the mood for them; I wasn't in the mood for anything. Baekhyun was going to kill me, the thought kept ringing in my head vividly, and I'm not sure it will disappear soon. He had taken a hold of my neck and squeezed. He was the boy I trusted, even if he didn't trust me back, he was going to kill me with his bare hands, I was lucky to bond with him in the right time; or I would have been a goner.

Something glowed from the side of my room, and when I peeked my eyes open, I caught the new card glinting by the sun rays reflecting upon it. It definitely piqued my interest; especially when the card looked suspiciously similar to Baekhyun's. I mean my parents never mentioned anything about decks before. I'm sure cards that are the same color and design are in a similar deck. Are there even decks in the Wielding society? My interest gnawed at me from inside, and even though I wasn't in such a mood; I thought why not? I mean whoever was inside can't possibly be like Baekhyun can they?

I found myself rising from my bed and trudging towards the card in a drunken state, head still hazy with murderous thoughts. I picked up the silver card, and flipped it over Barrier of air it read, and under it there were five golden stars. There was no name before the stars, and I sighed. 'Figures..' I thought with annoyance bubbling in my heart that made me halt. Even after what happened today, I still have hope for them?

I walked back to my drawer and wondered if I have something I could pierce my finger with to blood bond with this card, hoping, no praying; he wouldn't turn out like Baekhyun. I found a bunch of sewing needles and took the closest one (why is there sewing needles in my drawer?) I took a deep breath, calming my accelerated heartbeats because I can't hurt myself willingly without being insane. I tried to calm my breathing, closing my eyes so I wouldn't have to look down at myself while doing the deed. I winced a little when I punctured my skin, and there was a small amount of bearable pain as I felt warm liquid fall down to my nail and down to the floor in drops form. I looked down at the wound, feeling amazed of how small the wound was, and how big the amount of blood, absolute opposite. Then I took the card and let the blood dribble on it.

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