Wine - Part One

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Author note: Hi guys! Sorry for the late update, I had busy with other stories in a different account that I forgot I'm updating here as well, ohohoho T-T. Do comment and vote if you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing, it's very much appreciated.


I lifted my head from my bed with a start, searching for the usual gloomy faces of my warriors.

"Is he back yet?" I immediately asked the first boy my eyes landed on. Xiumin gulped and shook his head lightly, scared that I might flip on him. I blew out a deep and ragged sigh; before falling back on my bed with a whoosh.

I was aware of my tangled hair and the eye bags under my eyes. It has been approximately one week, three days and nine hours that Kim Jongin had disappeared. Ever since our conversation on the rooftop; he never came back at all, not even for a minute. In the first four days, I didn't think much of it because I thought he didn't have time or that his master hadn't allowed him out, but after a whole week, the boys and I were starting to worry.

I wondered where he was, because knowing beforehand that his Wielder was not in the school's premises; but instead, they lived near my house. I was sure Kai wasn't in school as well. The boys were a mess, Baekhyun hadn't stopped walking around aimlessly, hair ruffled from the amount of times he pulled on it. Sehun tried to conceal his feelings with his taut and cold face, but Joonmyeon told me he cried once when I was in class. Xiumin and Joonmyeon tried to act like the adults they are, and tried to convince everyone Kai was alright, but lastly Joonmyeon stopped trying, leaving that burden to Xiumin.

Chanyeol was extra quiet, since I normally can't hear his voice. He tagged along with me in each class, and he kept close to me even when I slept. Like how he was doing now, while I had slept last night, he silently went to curl around my stomach. Despite the gloomy atmosphere, I couldn't help but be reminded of a puppy.

I was worried for Chanyeol, because that gleam of mirth and adorableness had faded from his eyes, and I know that Kai is his best friend out of them all; but I didn't fathom the idea of his cheerful personality disappearing. I was sure Kai was okay ( at least that's what I'm trying to convince myself with ).

"What are we gonna do?" Sehun mumbled from his place on the bean bag. After Baekhyun had decided he was too anxious to be sitting down, Sehun took his place, and I found him kind of lame with his long limbs stuffed into the bean bag.

"We have to find him, what if he was in danger?" I sat again on my bed, and Chanyeol shifted when I moved, resting his head on my thigh instead of curling around my stomach.

"We will have to wait on that, Hani. The weekend is still three days away," Joonmyeon sighed and leaned to brush Sehun's hair, since he was standing beside him. Sehun only spared him a glance before looking back at me. I kind of found it quite endearing when Joonmyeon did those sweet gestures to Sehun, not to mention most of the time he did them unconsciously.

"We can't wait," Xiumin argued in a small voice, and the fatigue within me was traveling to them as well. "What if he was being tortured right now? What if they found out he had been contacting us? We can't just wait,"

I was with Xiumin in this, because honestly; I couldn't wait as well. I didn't know what was happening on the other side, and Kai had been gone for a long time now. I was afraid we would be too late if we moved later.

"And in what way will you be able to go there, Xiumin?" Joonmyeon snapped in annoyance, rubbing his eyebrows. "The weekends are the only time we will be able to move when Hani's parents come to us, not to mention the school closes it's doors all the time except on the weekends."

"We're going to have to find a way then!" Xiumin snapped back, the calm demeanor was slowly cracking and the sleeping beast within was roaring with annoyance. Joonmyeon, being the most levelheaded one out of all of us, didn't give Xiumin an opportunity to start a fight and stayed silent, secretly rolling his eyes when he looked away from Xiumin. It was funny and childish, but I guess Joonmyeon was too annoyed to be able to hold that.

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