Ch. 26

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Mya insisted that the girls have a afternoon of shopping. So, I follow her and her cronies around store to store, hoping that a golf cart or a motorized scooter, anything! Would drive by so I could leap in front of it. There are shops lined up like an unground mall of sorts. Which, I guess is pretty great, unless you rather go to the hospital than one more of these overpriced stores.

I notice Mya glance at me a few times, "What now?" I ask, knowing something is bothering her. I've already heard how much I messed up last night, I was at that table too. If she doesn't know how immature and embarrassing I can be, then she's dumber than I am.

She shrugs. "I just don't know what to say. Its weird to think that you married my brother. What's next? You officially move in? He meets your family? Babies?-"

"Whoa, lets just make it though the week first. Baby steps." I tell her, putting a hand over my racing heart.

"I'm serious, B." I look at her face, realizing the severity of this conversation and take a calming breath.

I organize my thoughts before I respond, "Honestly, I don't know. I guess its a waiting game. Truex and I have barely started dating, we might not work out. I'll stick around until he comes to his senses and gets a lawyer. Then I'll just sign the papers and everything can go back to normal."

She stops walking and turns to me. "You really think things can just go back to normal? Truex would've done something like this without complete conviction of your future together. I know my brother, he's in it to win it. Meaning, the long haul, girl. You won't be able to shake him." She says, with absolute certainty.

"We weren't thinking straight last night." I remind her.

"I've seen the pictures. You were not that drunk. You definitely were after the wedding, but not before it." She clarifies, like I wasn't there.     

I groan. "Don't say wedding. I mean Elvis was there! How can that be considered a serious wedding?" I ponder, out loud. So, I wasn't that drunk before the wedding, but I had been drinking. "We just got carried away with the prank." I say, tiredly.

"You got carried away with the prank." She corrects, in typical Marshall fashion.

"Fine. It was me! It's all my fault. I take full responsibility, okay. Now, what do you want me to do?" I question, at a loss. I don't know what she expects from me, and it would be a lot easier if she'd just come out and say it. Truex already said he won't divorce me. I'm so confused about us, even married to him, I don't know where we stand. Now, I have to worry about Mya too? My plate can't get any fuller at this moment.

She looks at the ground, then at me. "I want to know how you feel about him? The truth."

"I can't, Mya. I haven't even told him yet." I reply, feeling the frustrations with myself and the situation mounting. She starts laughing hysterically while I stand in the middle of the shop about to have a nervous breakdown. "What?" I ask, puzzled.

"I'm sorry. Its just that this whole thing is so bazaar. In a million years I never would've guessed this would've happened. I have to laugh, do you see how ridiculous this is?" She shakes her head, amused.

I roll my eyes. "As a matter of fact I do." I reply, starting to laugh with her. She chuckles and wipes at her eyes. I hear a phone ring and look at her expectantly.

"That's you." She tells me.

I realize its coming from my purse. "I swear, I didn't take it with me when we left." I say, fishing it out of my purse. I see that it's Truex. "Yes, dear?" I ask, sarcastically.

"Why is it taking so long?" He asks, sounding whiny.

"Its a bunch of girls shopping. Why do you think?"

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