Ch. 31

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    I watch Easton make his way to the couch and turn back to Mya when I determine he's out of ear shot. "What do you want to do?" I ask, not sure if she wants to be alone or would like a good cry and to talk about it. If it were me, I'd be painting. Some of my best work has been done when I was at my lowest. However, I don't think Mya will find much solace in that.

She shakes her head. "I'm not sure. I'm still so hungover, I just don't know if it's all truly hitting me yet."

"Want to start drinking again?" I question, jokingly. Judging by her disgusted look, we won't be hitting the minibar.

"I have to call the wedding planner, cancel everything." She rubs her eyes, I can see shes trying to gather her jumbled thoughts.

"I'll do all that. Why don't you rest?" I suggest, wanting to take some of the responsibility off of her shoulders.

"I won't be able to." She replies. Seconds later her phone rings and she looks at the screen. "Its Tate." She states, surprised, but she doesn't seem angry.

"You don't have to answer it." I tell her, not knowing what else to say.

She ignores me and brings the phone to her ear. "Hi." She answers, I can hear the pain in her voice. She walks to the door, opening it to talk privately in the hallway. Knowing she needs this time by herself I wait. Mya never ceases to amaze me, she isn't going to cower in a corner. She licks her wounds and confronts things head on. I pace the floor feeling the glances from Treux and Easton directed my way. I wait as long as I possibly can before I go to the door, opening it as quietly as possible. Mya is leaning against the wall her phone beside her.

"Are you okay?" I ask, stupidly.

She shakes her head. "No."

I go to sit next to her. "What'd he say?" I question, curiosity getting the best of me.

She scoffs. "That he doesn't know what happened. That he's so sorry...blah. Blah. Blah." She mocks.

I groan, feeling her pain and confusion. "You deserve better than that." I tell her honestly. Feeling no sense of loss cutting Tate out of my life. What a joke he is.

"I just want to forget this for a while, you know?"

"A vacation from your vacation? Or hard drugs?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood.

She laughs and I feel the relief course through me. "Both." She replies, smiling weakly. "I'll call the school. I need some time off."

"Truex and I are going back home for family introductions." I say, trying to take her mind off the situation. "Should be entertaining. Wanna come?"

"Really? Wow." Her eyes are wide and the grin on her face is infectious.

I nod. "He's insisting on meeting, Alicia." I tell her, using my moms name.

She covers her mouth smothering a laugh. "Did you warn him about her?"

"As best as I could." I reply, letting my defeat show.

"You two are going to make it." She states, knowingly.

Somewhat shocked, I look at her underneath my eyelashes. "You really think so?" I question, my heart skipping a beat. I don't know if she's right, but the thought of being without Truex doesn't sit well with me. Her statement has given me a sense of comfort and hope. Our future is as unknown as everyone else's, but for the first time in my life I want to be with someone, I want to be with Truex.

She nods her head, yes. "Trust me. I knew Tate and I weren't meant to be just by watching the two of you. You're made for each other. No matter how disgusting, vile, repulsive, repugna-."

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