Ch. 44

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    Seeing a baby on the screen in black in white with a little heart pumping is shocking, but at the same time the most amazing thing thats ever happen to me. The doctor congratulates us and starts to measure the fetus and calculates our due date to be Dec. 28th.

Its all a blur by the time we leave. Halfway to the car I almost turn around, "I forgot to ask her if its okay to tell Mya."

"We'll tell her." He says, suddenly okay with the idea.

"I thought you wanted to wait?" I ask, confused.

"You won't be able to wait, even if she told you not to." He states, knowingly.    

"Probably not, but I expected a fight." I pout, we haven't had a major fight in a while.

"I was thinking after you embarrassed me with the magazine it'd be a good idea to tell the family. The couple that was there knew who I was. Nothing is secret anymore. I would rather tell our everyone important to us before it leaks to the press."

I nod. "I didn't even think about that. How do you want to do it?"

"Tonight at Mya's we'll FaceTime my family and yours." He states, already having thought about it.

I smile, "Perfect. I just hope it doesn't get out to the media before then. I need to make up it up to dad. I think it really hurt him not to walk me down the aisle."

"We still have to ask them not to talk about it. That way if anything happens it won't be made public."

"Makes sense." I agree.

"I know of another way you can make it up to Chris." He smirks.

I glance over to him, curiously. "What?"

"I think we should have a small wedding at the house. We'll set it all up in the backyard and fly out your family and mine to meet. It would be nice. Very casual but nice at the same time."

"We're already married." I point out.

He shrugs. "I'd do it again."

I laugh. "I still have my dress." I nod, "Okay, but I don't want to have to plan this. We have to hire someone from start to finish. Mya's almost wedding was too much for me and I didn't even do anything."

"I'll handle it." He agrees, happily.

I look at him shocked. "You're going to plan it?"

He raises his eyebrow and looks at me as we pull into the driveway. "Hell no. I'll hire someone. We need a professional if we want it done soon."

"How soon are you thinking?"

"Next month. Training camp starts at the end of July and I'd like a proper honeymoon. If the doctor clears you to travel."

I groan. "No flying."

He smiles. "I'll think of something." He assures me.

He parks the car in the garage and we get out, I see the notorious stack of rugs pilled on top of the work bench. I smirk thinking about them. He holds the door for me and I watch as he takes his phone out of his pocket and puts it to his ear.

I listen to him, "Hey, want to do dinner together tonight?" He asks. There's a pause then he responds with, "We'll bring the food, don't worry about it."

He must have a positive response, because he starts calling everyone else to make sure they are available today to talk. Making sure the time change isn't an issue and that it will turn out alright he hangs up and looks towards me. "Your mom? Do you want to call her?" He asks, obviously knowing she'll be an issue.

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