Team 7 Part one

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Kiara sat in the back of class as the three other classmates waited for their new sensei.
"Naruto!" She looked up when she heard the pink haired girl scream.
When she saw the eraser being placed over the door, her eyes narrowed.
'Was this a trap? Was he trying to kill their new sensei?" After analyzing it for a second, she determined there was nothing wrong.
So when a hand opened the door, and a silver haired man stepped in. She didn't stop the eraser that landed on his head and threw dust in the air.
She didn't even react, instead she waited for instructions.
"My first impression of you is....your all idiots. Meet me on the roof in three minutes." With that the man vanished.
The others looked at each other before heading off to the roof.
Kiara watched them leave, then with a flicker she was sitting on the arch over their meeting area.
Soon everyone was up here and sitting down.

"Alright first off let's start out with introductions, shall we? Who you are, dreams, hobbies

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"Alright first off let's start out with introductions, shall we? Who you are, dreams, hobbies." The silver haired Jonin began, but suddenly Sakura leaned forward.
"Introduce ourselves, how do we do that?" Kiara looked at the girl curiously.
'I was certain she was a smart kunoichi. I'll have to recheck that.'
When Naruto leaned forward, squinting at the jonin as he agreed with Sakura.
"Why don't you show us how it's done?"
'Ah, she's trying to gain information. Smart.'
Kiara turned to the Jonin, scanning him up and down as she tried to take in information about him by his looks alone.
"Oh me? Well I'm Kakashi Hatake, things I like and things I hate....I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future....never really thought about it. As for my hobbies...well I have a lot of hobbies."
Everyone sat there for a second... Then suddenly Sakura whispered,"we haven't learned a thing about him."
Naruto began to nod his head quickly, his eyes still squinting at the Jonin.
Kiara listened as each person spoke, Naruto went first and practically gave a speech on ramen.
"My future dream is to become the Hokage and make everybody notice me!" Kiara hummed gently at this but made no other noise otherwise.
"Okay, you with the pink hair." Sakura turned pink and began to fidget around.
"My name is Sakura Haruna. I like...well who I like hobbies dream for the future...." As the girl spoke she squealed and tittered around with glee.
Kiara looked at this and wondered if this was how she would have become. If she had parents and went to school instead of being born in the root. 'I don't know if I would have felt happy or sad about that.'
"And what is that you hate?"
"NARUTO!" The girl screamed, loosing the giggling act instantly as she pointed at the panicking boy.
Soon enough it was Sasuke Uchiha's turn to go.
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone."
Kiara leaned forward, her elbow on her knee as she looked the Uchiha over.
'Maybe the Uzumaki boy isn't the only kid I'll have to watch over.'
"Now you up there, your turn to introduce yourself."
Kakashi said, and everyone turned around in confusion. When they saw the masked girl up above them, they all looked a bit shocked.
"When did she get there?!?" The blonde haired boy screeched and Kakashi sighed.
"She's been there the whole time. Now introduce yourself."
Kiara looked down at them all, her fox mask giving a few of them the creeps. Namely a certain pinkette and blonde kid.
She jumped down, and looked them all over silently. Kakashi wondered if she was going to reply, when instead she gave a two finger salute.
At once everyone sweat-dropped, "Yes...well you are all very unique in your own ways. We will begin our first mission tomorrow morning."
"What kind of mission?!" Naruto screamed, his question peaking everyone's interests. But suddenly the silver haired man began to chuckle darkly and caused the three Genin to look at him worriedly.
"It's a survival test." The four looked at him, three in confusion and one blankly.
"A survival yet?"
"We've already taken those before, believe it!"
The silver haired man began to chuckle darkly, which quickly turned into a maniacal laugh.
"This will be different. Meet at the Third training ground. I wouldn't eat breakfast, you may puke." With that the man was gone, leaving a few purple faced kids behind.
The masked girl began to walk to the edge of the building, and Naruto got to his feet quickly.
"Hey! Be careful, you may fall over!" Kiara turned to look at the whiskered boy, her head tilting slightly.
'Does he really care?' She wondered, then with the body flicked technique she went home.
The next day three Genin showed up at training ground three looking for their sensei.
When it became hours later, Naruto and Sakura began to complain loudly.
They hadn't noticed the masked girl in the tree above them all, having showed up an hour before the original time.
Soon enough their lazy sensei walked into the clearing.
"Hey! Your late!" Sakura and Naruto screamed loudly, pointing at the silver haired man.
"Well, you see a black cat crossed my path..."He began to explain but was immediately cut off.
"Liar!!" The two screamed, getting a bit louder.
"Where's Kiara?" Sasuke asked, his voice as emotionless as ever. At the mention of her name, she hopped down from the tree landing without a noise.
"Hey!? How long have you been up there?" Naruto asked, his voice taking a disbelieving edge to it.
Kiara simply put up four fingers, this caused Naruto and Sakura to scream slightly.
Kakashi simply tilted his head as he looked at the girl, and Sasuke didn't do anything.
"Well the assignment is simple, all you have to do is get these two bells from me before noon. If you fail to do so I will tie you up to those posts and force you to watch me eat." The three Genin glared at the silver haired man. Naruto blanched,"Wait a minute, there's four of us, why are there only two bells?" Sakura asked, putting up two fingers.
"That's so whoever doesn't get a bell gets tied to the post and disqualified, they both go back to the academy." The three kids grit their teeth as they realized they would be fighting each other for the bells.
"You will be coming at me with any weapon of your choosing. You have to have a deadly intent if you wish to get these bells."
"But those weapons are to dangerous!" Sakura squeaked out, while Naruto began to laugh. "Especially since you couldn't even dodge that eraser."
"Class clowns are usually the weakest links, they usually have the lowest scores. Losers...when I say start you can begin." Suddenly Naruto launched himself at the Jonin, and was soon trapped with his own weapon pointed at his head.
"I didn't say start. But you did come at me with the intention to kill. I think I'm starting to like you guys. Start!" Instantly Sakura and Sasuke jumped into hiding spots while Naruto turned to look at his opponent.
Kiara watched this with narrowed eyes, her hand gently holding the handle of her katana.
Kakashi noticed the two, and hummed gently.
"Your a bit weird." He told the blonde boy, who gritted his teeth then shouted.
"The only thing weird here is your hair!" With that he charged at the man, but soon stopped when his opponent reached for his pouch.
Kiara sat atop the posts, watching the two her mind wandering through the reasoning behind this test.
'He wouldn't sinply fight people to see if they were strong enough. He is a Jonin, they are Genin so there must be another reason behind this he trying to get them to look past their differences to work together?' She wondered idly, watching as he used his '1000 years of death' jutsu that caused a few blue faces.
However, after realizing the reason behind the test Kiara took action. 'I can't speak, so I will have to make a plan up to get them to work together.'
With this in mind she moved over to the tree Naruto was in and cut him down. However the boy simply got stuck in another trap.

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