New Mission

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Kiara woke with a start, her eyes flashing around the room before landing on a figure sitting in the corner.
"So you've finally woken up. I will let the leader know." The figure hummed before heading out the door, where Kiara saw another figure standing boredom clear on their face.
She made to move but hissed as pain from unknown injuries caused her muscles to ache.
"Ah, sorry about that. We had a hard time getting out of Konoha and you were injured in the process." At the sound of Kisame's voice the girl relaxed, her eyes following him as he made his way over to the now empty corner.
"So, you remember everything?" He hummed, and Kiara slowly gave a nod.
"He tried to get me killed...He's been trying for a while now." She whispered, her eyes falling to her hands.
"Why did you stay there then?" His eyes filled with curiosity, knowing the struggles of having your own people try to kill you.
"I had nowhere else to go, I am nothing." The two fell silent on that note before the door opened once more and a lady walked in with blue hair.
"Kisame, Itachi is looking for you. You have a mission." At that the blue man got up and with a nod left the two alone.
Konan watched Kiara silently, "You were brought in by those two, which is extraordinary because they don't like anyone."
Kiara's eyes seemed to darken as she looked down at her hands,"I did not asked to be brought here."
"And yet here you are, an assassin in our midst. Have you been sent here to kill us all?" Konan's head tilted as she spoke bluntly towards Kiara, who sighed sounding extremely tired.
Konan pauses at the sight of this, realizing she looked so much like herself many years ago. Too tired for her own age, seeming to fight her inner demons.
"It doesn't matter what I say, you will not trust me. Why don't you just kill me already?" Her tone was firm and didn't seem at all scared at the prospect of her own life being extinguished.
"Because, you still have use to us. With that seal off your tongue you can tell us everything about Danzo." Kiara stared at Konan in confusion, before leaping to her feet and making her way to the mirror in the room.
She instantly stuck her tongue out and gave a start when she saw only pink.
"How can this be? Danzo...Danzo had me do missions for the root-" she gasped when no paralysis happened and spun towards Konan.
"How?!" She cried, her eyes wide at the thought that Danzo knew and soon she would be dead.
"Apparently it disappeared, I believe it has something to do with Itachi. But Uchiha's don't talk much these days." She hummed, a paper in her hand being changed into an angel.
Kiara grit her teeth at the realization that she was officially free, no longer burdened with her silence.
"Does that mean you will torture me now?" She asked, her voice hissing as she turned back to her reflection.
Burn marks still covered her face and forever she felt those flames flickering at her skin. But now for once she could speak about it, and let it be known that Danzo was a monster...but how? And who?
With the hokage dead and Konoha so separated, what would her words do. They would never listen to her, especially on that she's been taken by the Akatsuki.
The girl closed her eyes in frustration, gritting her teeth at the conundrum she found herself in.
"Kisame has spoken for you, so we will not torture you today. But know that if you keep silent there are many in the Akatsuki who would not be afraid to make you speak." Konan's mind filled with her sadistic allies, before gently sitting the angel on the dresser in the room.
"So you are aware, you are in our village. Try to run and you will be easily captured or kil-"
"I don't want to run, I can't go back now. Many will not trust me if I'm able to get away from The Akatsuki twice without injury. Konoha will not trust me, and right now they don't need me." As she spoke Lee flashed before her eyes, but she was quick to push it away as the thought of her future were in jeopardy.
"No, I will not run for now. But I won't let you hold me, I will get back at Danzo. That monster can no longer live if we want this world to continue on." Her eyes flashed at anger filled her heart and lava seemed to roll in her veins.
"Very well." With that Konan left, heading for Nagato's room at the top of the tower.
As Kiara glared at her face where scars battered her, a form slowly morphed from an unknown area.
"You are filled with rage, I can understand why Itachi brought you see I want Danzo dead as well." The hooded figure spoke, his voice deep causing Kiara's skin to raise with goosebumps.
The girl tried to get a good look at the speaker but he was easy to keep his face in the shadows, only one eyes showing.
She gaped at the sight of one familiar Uchiha eye, "Kakashi? No his is on the other side."
The figure seemed to darken at her words but moved towards the corner as if in deep thought.
"You were not apart of the plan, but I believe you could help us out. To make this place a peaceful world at the death of Danzo." He hummed, his voice tempting her to agree and join their group.
"I will not join the Akatsuki, but...I will tell you about the root and Danzo. If I were to be killed, maybe the information given will help destroy that man...but know this I will not attack Konoha or its people. Only those who wish to defame and destroy Konoha from the inside, I will not kill for you...but for them."
Obito hummed from under his cloak before traveling back into the safety of his dominion, pleased with the hatred in their new recruits eyes. 

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