Team 7 Part Two

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Kiara watched Kakashi pick up the bell then leave. With that she cut the boy down again, then moved down beside him.
After checking to see that he was okay, she looked around for the other two Genin.
Kiara began to help Naruto up, but he simply pulled away and grinned up at her.
"Thanks! But I need to do this for myself if I'm going to become Hokage." With that he ran off, leaving the masked girl to reach out to him.
She was shaking her head when she heard the scream, instantly she appeared next to Sakura and put a hand to the girls head. 
Using her chakra she released Sakura from the genjutsu, but after realizing Sasuke wasn't there she ran off.
Kiara wondered if there was any way she would be able to get them to use teamwork.
'Maybe if I go to Sasuke, he seems to hold some sort of power over the others.' With that plan of action in mind she took off.
Landing beside the head of Sasuke she scanned the area before helping the grumpy Uchiha boy from the ground. Then she checked on Sakura and brought her around, when she heard the bell go off.
Kiara felt her shoulders slump slightly as she looked at the other two genins.
Together they walked to the clearing and saw Naruto tied up to a poll.
"Uh oh, stomachs growling. That's too bad. Oh about this exercise I've decided I won't send any of you back to the academy."
"Really!? That's awesome believe it!"
"But all I did was scream and pass out, do you get points for that?"
"...yes all three of you are being dropped from the program permanently." He scowled the ending, but Sakura caught onto something.
"Three of us? There are four."  The others looked at Kiara then Sasuke.
'They probably think Sasuke won because he touched a bell.' Kiara deduced and tilted her head slightly.
"Yes, everyone but Kiara will never be a ninja."
"What?! Why her??" Naruto screeched and Sasuke gritted his teeth. He suddenly jumped to his feet and moved to attack Kakashi but was instantly slammed down.
"Your all a bunch of brats. If you hadn't been so caught up in your own heads you would realize the meaning of this test. Naruto, you charged in head first and didn't think of anyone but yourself. Sakura even though Naruto and Kiara were right in front of you, you ran after Sasuke. Sasuke, you believed everyone was too below your level to help you in any way."
"But how come Kiara gets to move forward?!" Sakura questioned, wanting him to get off Sasuke.
"Simply put, she was the only one that got the true meaning of the test. It wasn't about bells or passing, it was about Teamwork. If y'all could put your differences aside for the better of the mission. If you can't do this, it could lead to failure or death.
For example Sakura kill Naruto now or I will kill Sasuke."
This caused the pink haired girl to freak, but her hand moved closer to her kunai.
Kiara watched this all, her hand on the handle of her katana incase the blonde boy were to blow up.
When he simply squawked she wondered why she had to watch him again, he seemed as harmful as a fox kit.
Kakashi got off Sasuke, who grumpily got to his feet clearly not liking the vast difference in experience between the two.
"Kiara was the only one who went around and helped everyone. Even though she couldn't talk to anyone, she communicated the most. You all ignored her, or simply told her no. She was the only one who understands the true meaning of being a shinobi." The girl decided not to let it be known she already had a lot of experience with teamwork, and even solo missions.
Kakashi moved towards the KIA stone, giving Naruto the reason behind it.
"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, that's true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." The silver haired man looked the others over and sighed.
Kiara listened to this advice, her eyes looking over the stone blankly as she wondered if anyone she knew was on there.
"Alright, I'll give you three another chance. Kiara I want you to come with me, I want to test your skills."
With that the two masked members of team 7 left, hiding in the trees a few paces away and watched.
Soon enough Sakura was feeding Naruto, so Kakashi stormed in to attack but ended up telling them they had passed.
Kiara body flickered beside him, watching as the three cheered then cut Naruto down as the others began to leave.
'Danzo would have my head if they had failed...'
"Kiara, stay back with me I want to have a small sparing match. Since we didn't get to fight this is the best way to see where you are at." Kakashi smiled under his mask at the masked girl.
Kiara gave a nod, and moved into a fighting stance.
Soon enough Kakashi was in the same bored pose as usual. Kiara looked him over, then with a quick spin of her hips she aimed a high kick at the right side of his face.
'If there is a wound I may get an advantage.' She thought to herself, but that was blown out of the water when Kakashi simply dodged it.
Without any emotional or noise Kiara spun on his feet and launched herself up in the air towards him.
Kakashi moved to duck and dodge the girl, never getting the chance to read.
When she went to draw her weapon Kakashi became the slightest bit nervous.
Kiara wasn't breathing hard, nor seemed to be tiring out. The two launched at each other, Kakashi's kunai holding back the sword she held.
Kiara dropped quickly and with a swing of her legs, she had the Copy cat ninja on the ground.
Instantly she straddled him and placed the sword to his throat but he didn't seem to notice or care as he looked up at her.
"The root has seemed to cut down a lot on the training since I've left."
Kiara gave a start at the silver haired mans words, her sword moving back from his throat.
'He cover is blown. Will Danzo kill me now?'

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