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Kiara watched as Naruto was dragged by the largest dog of the pack. Quickly she grabbed the leash, and he instant stopped moving.
The others looked at her curiously, as Naruto laid on the ground ashes covering his face.
"Stop messing around Naruto, we can all see what your trying to do."
Naruto groaned gently, getting to his feet. When he saw Kiara holding the dog back, as well as her German shepherd puppy.
When they were done they headed up to the Hokage's office, Kakashi reading a book called Icha Icha Paradise.
Kiara watched as the Hokage and Naruto began to argue, her hand moving to sit on her hilt. If he makes a move towards the Hokage in any way she would instantly take his head.
Kakashi seemed to notice this and hit Naruto on the back of the head to shut him up.
Soon enough everyone was getting a lecture, and Kiara blanked everyone out as she relaxed.
Suddenly you could hear Iruka screaming at Naruto for not listening to the Hokage, and he screamed back about not being a brat anymore.
Everyone went silent as the Hokage began to chuckle, and Kiara analyzed this her head tilting slightly at the strange behavior.
'Are they friends? They act as if they are comfortable with one another, what a strange thing.' She hummed when Naruto got what he wanted.
The door opened and a man that smelled of sake stumbled in,"I am Tazuna the great bridge builder. I expect you to protect me with your life.....Hey shorty with the dumb face, what are you looking at?"
Naruto began to laugh loudly,"Hey! Whose the short one with the dumb face?" As the three lined up, Naruto realized he was the dumb faced shorty and began to scream.

"Hey wait! You could be talking about Kiara. Right? Right?" Naruto suddenly asked, looking at the old drunken man with slightly pleading eyes.

Kakashi sighed, and rubbing the back of his neck explained something so simple to Naruto,"Well, it couldn't be Kiara because she is wearing a mask. How would he know what her face looks like?" Naruto seemed to squint up at Kakashi, then it clicked.

"I'm gonna kill him!" But, as soon as he jumped at the man Kakashi was holding him back with ease.

"Calm down, you can't kill the client." With that Naruto gave a huff, and glared up at the man who ignored the pipsqueak.
"Alright meet at the gate in thirty."

Kiara disappeared in a puff of smoke, and was soon packing up what she would need for the mission. When she had everything she body flickered over to the gate, sitting atop it as she looked out on the village. She closed her eyes, the breeze gently pressing against her fox mask, and she idly wondered if this mission was worth her time.

However, she was reminded of her duties when everyone showed up and Naruto began to giddily run around. Kiara watched the group for a second, noticing that only Kakashi seemed to know of her presence.

"Where is Kiara, we need to go?" Sakura groaned, her voice telling the masked girl Sakura believed they should just leave her by herself. Instantly Kiara jumped from the gate, and landed beside Sakura without a word. The pinkette squealed and jumped away from Kiara, spinning to look at the girl.

The masked female stood there, back straight as she waited for her orders. Kakashi sighed, "Okay, since it's a C rank mission we shouldn't run into any problems. However, since we have an extra teammate one of us should stay back a bit incase of an ambush."

Before Sasuke could voice his vote, Kiara stepped forward and gave a nod that she would do it. This made Kakashi smile under his mask as he knew she would be quick to volunteer and soon enough they were on their way.


Kiara leaped from tree to tree as she followed her team, eyes scanning the area around her. When she sensed extra presences up ahead, instantly she became alert and sped up to catch her newest team.

As she got there Kakashi was shredded to bits, causing Naruto to freeze up. Kiara took out her blade, and without hesitation jumped at the man heading for the blonde. Drawing back her blade, she struck it through the man as he slashed Naruto's hand. The man gurgled as blood instantly filled his mouth, his eyes going wide in surprise.

Before she could give the killing blow, Kakashi showed up and grabbed her wrist the other man over his shoulder.

"Kiara." His voice filled the suddenly silent area, and the masked girl stared at the hand on her wrist. Noticing this Kakashi gently let her go, and everyone watched as the girl cleaned her bloody blade and put it up in one smooth motion.

Everyone was watching the girl with wide eyes, and Sakura felt her stomach turn over when she noticed the blood splattered across her mask.

"Good job Sasuke, Sakura for protecting Tazuna. Sorry Naruto, I didn't think you'd freeze up like that...Kiara...Good job for protecting your teammate." Kiara gave a nod of acknowledgement then with a quick jab of two fingers, the bleeding brother passed out.

Kakashi turned to Tazuna, "We need to talk, but before we do Naruto." The boy in question froze, having been moving towards Sasuke. "Don't move, there was poison on their blades."

Kiara tunned them out, grabbing the brothers and beginning to tie them to a tree. When she turned back around Kakashi was wrapping up Naruto's hand.

'Strange.' Was the only thought that passed through her mind, and with that she leaped up into the trees having already figured out this mission was more then it seemed.

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