Handsome Beast!

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Kiara was watching Neji and Naruto's fight when she felt the effects of Dosu's last attack take effect.
Suddenly, she was on the ground clutching at her head as the world began to spin. Noticing this Shikamaru was instantly by her side asking what was wrong.
But he quickly realized she couldn't hear him, so he slung her arm over his shoulder and started off towards her other teammate.
At the sight of Kiara, Sakura was quickly to her feet as well as a certain green boy.
"What happened?" Sakura asked, worry clear in her voice at the girl she had grown so close to.
"I think the last attack from Dosu really messed her up." Shikamaru explain, Rock Lee stepped forward using his crutches but dropped them and moved to carry Kiara.
"Wait, Lee shouldn't you be careful? Your leg-"
"She is hurt, I must be the one to carry her." Truth be told seeing her in Shikamaru's arms was making him feel strange.
Shikamaru shrugged lazily and moved to give her to Lee but was stopped by none other then Gai.
"Wait Lee, I'll take her. I'll be quicker in getting her to the medical bay." Lee stared at his sensei, biting his lip gently but gave a firm nod and let him take her instead.
Before anyone could comment Gai was gone, a blur of green in the eyes of those trained to see his speed.
Lee watched him leave, then gave a start when Sakura picked up his crutches and helped him back to his seat.
"Kiara is so strong." Sakura whispered, then looked at Lee. "So do you like her?" The pinkette whispered causing Lee to turn extremely red.
"Oh! I think she is a wonderful comrade!" He replied, giving Sakura a thumbs up who in reply smirked.
"Lee I think there is more to it, that kiss on the cheek was really something." She nudged his shoulder causing him to light up like a Christmas tree.

This friendly banter was stopped by the sound of Neji crying out.

Kiara woke up groaning slightly, she could feel hands on her head. Blinking away the blur she noticed Lee's sensei and a masked medical ninja healing her.
"What...happened?" She whispered, confusion clear in her voice at the sight of the strange people.
"Oh! You might not remember me, I'm Might Gai Konoha's handsome beast!!!" With that he gave a thumbs up and winked at the weak kunoichi.
"It's nice to meet you, your Lee's sensei?" She asked noticing his personality reminded her a lot of Lee.
The man grinned even wider,"Why yes! You are very perspective! Perfect for my favorite student!!" At this Kiara blushed, smiling she began to sit up.
The medical ninja gave a bow and left leaving the two in the room.
Before anything else could be said the door slammed open and Kakashi walked in his eyes scanning the room.
Seeing Kiara he made his way over quickly, "Are you okay? I heard you got hurt."
She looked at him with slight confused eyes,"How did you know I was here?"
"Oh, Pakkun let me know." He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Ah, is the real You with Sasuke?" She smiled at the flare of red at being caught as a clone.
"Ah, yes we should be here soon." She giggled and made to get up but instantly Kakashi was by her side.
"Want me to carry you to your seat?" He asked, concern in his eyes.
As Gai watched the two he realized how important Kiara was to his rival, instantly years pooled up in his eyes.
"Well, you can walk me but I don't think you'll have to carry me since I was healed." She explained as she got to her feet, only swaying slightly.
Kakashi put a hand on her shoulder to steady the girl, then smiled and they started to leave.
Gai watched the two then followed after wiping his tears away.

As they left they didn't realize the figure standing in the shadows, his one eye watching the events fold out in front of him.
'So, Kakashi has someone else he cares about...interesting.' A smirk spread across the masked man's face then he seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye.

As Kiara walked towards the stands she suddenly heard loud cheering and looked at Kakashi in curiosity.
The group walked over to Sakura, Rock Lee and Naruto who were all watching down in the arena with wide eyes.
At the sight of the real Kakashi his clone puffed away, as soon as he did the real Kakashi looked up at Kiara with a smile.
She gave a gentle wave, currently leaning against Gai as the screaming of the crowd made her the slightest bit dizzy.
"Alright Sasuke Uchiha vs. Gaara of the Sand." At this everyone seemed to get louder and Kakashi disappeared to appear beside Kiara.
He gently placed a hand on her shoulder,"I'm proud of you on winning your fight, you as well Naruto. Good job."
At this the blonde boy grinned wildly wiping at his nose as he chuckled.
Kiara blushed slightly but noticing Lee she grinned and moved to sit beside him.
At the sight of her Rock Lee stood up and grinned at her.
"It's good to see your doing better Kiara!" She smiled at him and together the two sat down.
Kakashi and Gai watched with wide curious eyes, but as soon as the match started their eyes moved to Sasuke.
Kiara peaked at Lee to see him smiling and blushing slightly beside her, causing her to do the same.

Sakura noticed the two and giggled to Ino who giggled too all the while Shikamaru sighed in boredom.

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