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After talking to Tazuna, Kakashi sighed.
"This mission is a lot more than we thought."

"Naruto is injured, we should go back." Sakura chipped in but after a few more minutes of talking it was decided that they would send someone back to the village to tell the Hokage.

"We need the fastest of you four to go back and tell the Hokage...Kiara are you willing to go back?" He asked, his hair moving slightly as he turned to the girl by a tree.

She stared at him, then with a nod moved to start on back to the village.
"Wait! Why does she get to go?!" Sakura asked, clearly wanting to impress Sasuke with her speed.

Kiara turned to the girl, her head tilting slightly and Kakashi sighed.

"She has obviously been training for speed and agility. We also need to be careful in case somebody else attacks the person going back. She is obviously strong enough to take someone else on her own. This leaves her as the best option."

"But she can't speak." Sasuke sighed, watching as everyone came to that realization together. Kakashi sweatdropped, then taking out a scroll he wrote what needed to be said down.  With a nod from Kakashi, Kiara took off. One second she was there, the next completely out of sight.

Team 7 stood there for a second, a few looking disgruntled, then they began on the rest of their journey.

----Hours later----

Kiara raced through the woods, her eyes scanning for any new characters. Suddenly, before she could react a man appeared in front of her. Skidding on the ground, she stood there staring at him. He was masked and had a few feminine features, but Kiara could tell he was a boy.

The boy stepped forward,"Are you with the team back there?" He asked, but when she didn't speak he took out a few needles. Kiara looked him over, then her head tilted slightly as she slowly pulled out her katana.

The boy hummed gently, being able to tell she was a skilled kunoichi. "I was sent here to check on your skills, your team has fought against my...He was told of another teammate. You are who I have found."

Kiara looked him over, then with a flash of her blade, she moved to take off the strange boys head. However, he ducked and twirled away before she could get close enough. The girl looked the boy over again, humming as she realized he was stronger than he looked.

As the boy moved to attack, Kiara brought her katana up to parry the attack. As he moved to kick her, Kiara ducked and copied his earlier move to gain some space.

'He's used to long range attacks. I need to get really close.' With that in mind she moved in for the kill, however, he suddenly froze.

"Sorry, I am needed elsewhere." With that he body flickered away, leaving Kiara there with a sigh. Making haste she ended up at the village two hours later, and with that went straight to the tower.

As soon as the Hokage saw the masked kunoichi he got to his feet, a bit shocked when she took out a scroll. He grabbed it and moved to the windows as he read, sighing at the realization that this mission was a higher ranking than he had first believed.

"Okay, Kiara you have a mission all to yourself. I know that you are stronger then you appear, so I want you to assassinate Gato. This is a covert operation, do not let the others know of your intentions, do what you must." The masked kunoichi gave a nod, and at his dismissal started back towards her team.

'Best way to kill Gato...I need to get more information from Kakashi first. Learn what I can, then take him out.' She concluded, her speed picking up with the news of a better mission than before.

Soon enough she found herself at a body of water, and without stopping began to cross the top at a run. A new day began, and yet the kunoichi did not seem to tire. As she got to the other side of the body of water, she looked around for a sign telling her where the others had gone, when she came across a battle zone.

Looking over the evidence she saw that Kakashi and what seemed to be a large man with a sword fight, and at one point Sasuke and Naruto had joined in. Figuring the strange boy from earlier had something to do with this as well Kiara pondered to herself what is anyone had gotten hurt. After that, she found the way Team 7 went and left with a last glance around.

When she came across a house, Kiara hummed gently and waited atop a tree to see if it was a trap. But, later that night when Sasuke and Naruto came stumbling up to the house, both clearly exhausted she jumped down behind them.

They didn't seem to notice her and started on inside, but as soon as she saw the others eating around a table she followed. Entering into the home as the two boys collapsed onto the ground, Kakashi got to his feet.

"Kiara, good to see you made it back in one piece." When she waved a hand of greeting, the others looked her over to see she looked almost like she hadn't run for two days straight. Her hair slightly out of place being the only tell tale sign that the girl had finished her part of the mission.

"Are you hungry?" A woman asked, getting to her feet but Kiara seemed a bit confused as she stared at the food offered to her. After a second of silence, Kiara suddenly took out her bag and everyone watched with wide eyes as she ate an energy food pill.

Kakashi watched her for a second, sighing he sat back down. "Kiara, you have eaten more than that before, correct?" Everyone looked back and forth between the two, but Kiara motioned to the food pills and protein bars she had in her pack.

Naruto jumped to his feet, his eyes wide as he looked the girl over.

"Wait! You're telling me you've never tried Ramen before?!"

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