The Forest of Death Part 2

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Kiara gasped slightly, blood dribbling from lip onto the inside of her mask. She hadn't realized the male she was going up against would be so skilled in medical ninjutsu.
The masked female watched the silver haired man silently, he was currently patting out a flame from her blades. While her blades had met his skin, they had already healed completely.
"Your very connected to this village are you?" He suddenly asked, causing the female to tense up and glare at him.
"Ah, well how about this. I obviously would win, but I don't want to hurt you anymore. So, instead you will do something for me. You won't let anyone know I've done this to you, and in get my Scroll and I won't kill you."
Kiara looked over her body, having to actually check due to not being able to feel her limbs. Currently her arms and legs were not able to move, and earlier he had done something to her chest.
'Never admit defeat.' Her mind whispered, and with that she started to scream.
Kabuto jerked back slightly as flames bursted from the female body, and a scream echoed out around her.
He scowled as he realized her intent, by forcing her chakra through her body she was destroying his blocks.
Right before his eyes she weakly got to her feet, and pointed the blade at him. Her body was covered in flames, that with each flicker went from blue to red.
However, she wasn't harmed by the flames in anyway. Even though it was so hot, with one touch Kabuto could loose a hand or foot.
Before she could attack, he retreated with a swish of his hands.
'Orochimaru needs me anyways.' He concluded, wondering about the female he very much wanted to make into his test subject.
Meanwhile Kiara stood in the middle of the woods, flames licking and destroying the earth and trees around her.
She saw a figure stand before her, and before she could say anything her mind went black.
Kakashi stood before his student, worry causing his fingers to tremble as he watched her naked form fall to the ground.
'Since she has already passed to ROOT level it wouldn't be against the rules to help her...right.' He thought to himself as he kneeled beside her body.
Without hesitation, Kakashi pulled her jacket off and wrapped it around her body. Then scooped her up and into his arms wincing only when the heat of her skin touched his now bare arms.
"Whoever you fought must be ash somewhere now..." he mumbled, then leaped up into the nearest tree.
As he moved, Kakashi soon realized her mask was off and couldn't help but look at her.
Then instantly wished he hadn't, letting out a small cry of outrage as he halted in the woods.
The whole right side of her face was completely burned, and it was clearly not of her own doing. Her scars were clearly from years ago, and might have even come from training.
Kakashi's arms tightened slightly around her, and he felt a burning in his chest. Gritting his teeth, he took off again heading now for his own home.
As he landed in his house, he glanced around then sighed wondering why he was there in the first place.
Soon enough Kiara was dressed in one of his legs shirts and laying in his only bed. He left a pair of boxers on the bed and pants that he was sure would fit her as well as a kunai to give her comfort.
With that he went and sat down outside the bedroom door, rubbing his chin as he thought of what to do with Kiara.
When Kiara woke up, she gently gasped and jerked up into a sitting position.
Quickly she scanned her surroundings and got to her feet, a kunai already in hand.
That's when she noticed the details, like a picture of Kakashi and Team 7 beside another picture of him as a kid with people she didn't recognize.
Noticing the pants and boxers on the bed, she quickly pulled them on. Then let out a gasp when she saw a mirror, without a second thought she jerked open the door and went to make a run for it. But ended up falling on the ground, having not noticed the body laying in front of the door before it was too late.
The two laid on the ground groaning, sitting up only to freeze at the sight of each other.
Once Kiara noticed him staring she covered her face with her hair.
"'ve seen me..." she whispered, clutching at the blue material of the pants she wore.
The more he sat their silently, the more Kiara felt her emotions begin to freeze over.
"I'm sorry...." at his whisper Kiara started slightly, then stared at him with wide eyes."I didn't mean to look, but I had to get you out of that forest." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"How did you know I needed help?" She asked, putting the fact that he had seen her face behind her.
Instantly the male turned pale, and gave out a strained chuckle. "Well, I had Pakkun follow you..."
Kiara was quickly to her feet, and gripping at her left arm as she stared at her sensei in betrayal.
"Why??" She snarled, her eyes flashing red and fire started to flicker around her fingers.
"Calm down, I had him follow you cause we had intel that Orochimaru was in the area. And since you were a one man team, I had to make sure you were okay."
With each word he spoke the flames slowly flickered away, and her shoulders were no longer tense.
Unbeknownst to her, he had also had Pakkun follow her ever since he found out Danzo used her in the Geisha decision.

Silence (Naruto FanFiction - Rock Lee love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora