8 | honeypot

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You woke me up, Jon...

I giggled as I pressed the send button, waiting for his response.

Jonny's response was instant.

Did I, baby? So sorry to disrupt your beauty sleep.... ;( but you and I both know, that someone's telling a porkie...

I rolled around on my bed, laughing my head off. Tangled up in my covers, I was close to rolling off my bed.

You know me too well. So, what can I do for you?

Keep me company ;) My lecturer cancelled my seminar tomorrow, so do me a huge favour by letting me treat you to a meal in Chinatown after our shift ends.

I grinned a little, my mind drifting back to the times when he'd invited me to eat out with him and a few of his mates. My friends had been so jealous that I was hanging out with university students, but they were pretty much the same as sixth formers, still trying to find their place in the world and utterly clueless, but Jonny's friends had been such a laugh.

His roommate Alex got a bit too drunk, so Jonny had had to stop him from stripping off and throwing himself into a fountain in one of the square's we'd passed. That had been one hell of a night.

Sure, I'd love to. I literally haven't had a meal out in yonks.

Great, see you tomorrow, Candy. Wear that teddy bear dress that you wore last week. Cute.

When I read this my mouth gaped a little. Still, I kind of felt flattered that he had a soft spot for it.

He had teased me mercilessly for wearing a dress with such a cutesy print on my chest, but I thought it was adorable so I couldn't resist purchasing it because Winnie the Pooh is an icon of the bear world. How could I pass up on the opportunity?

Ok, sir, will remember to wear pooh dress. ;)

Looking forward to it, Winnie. Christopher Robin x

I chuckled at his humour and switched my phone and allowed myself to drift off to sleep.

* * *

After icing the eclairs, I was particularly cheerful. Finally, the weather was getting warmer after a frosty winter. As well as being bright and promising, Friday was one of my favourite days because of the busy pace. Many of our regulars came to get their usual orders, which I knew by heart, since I'd been serving customers like Mr Donaldson (a tax inspector) and Anita (a seventy year old widow) since I was thirteen when my dad had allowed me to handle the till.

I glanced at my watch and wondered where Jonny was. Usually, he would arrive no later than five minutes and it was now approaching ten past. On Fridays, I had one English Literature lesson in the morning then I had the whole day to myself. Another reason why it was my favourite day.

I was glad Dorothy was having a day off. Not that she would have minded if he had come in late. Jonny was very charming and persuasive when it came to getting himself out of tricky situations.

I had the feeling that if she didn't have a boyfriend, she would have set her sights on Jonny, because I could feel the resentment coming off her whenever she happened to catch our flirty banter...

As I rushed to open the door for a elderly man, who looked like a gust of wind was going to blow him away if I didn't step in to help him, I was greeted by the sight of Jonny Pollack jogging towards me, a book tucked underneath his arm.

The old man paused to thank me, throwing a comment about the weather, and I laughed at his joke without really taking in as I stared at Jonny.

He looked yum. Very smart and put-together as though he'd prepared for a date and I wondered if I maybe he'd met up with a girl earlier.

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