26 | romeo, juliet and... tybalt

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'Glad you could make it.'

Zachary stood up from his table.

As we approached his table, his eyes landed on Jonny's first.

Despite my dislike, my cheeks heated up at the way his bright blue eyes looked so inviting.

He turned to me, his eyes widening in shock.

* * *

A little red dress can work wonders.

I hadn't tried to go all out by choice, but since I wanted to make a good impression and look nice in front of my boyfriend on one of our nights out, I decided to wear a red dress.

I'd been worried about looking too dressy for an informal dinner. I'd tried to ask Zachary if there was a dress code by text, but, infuriatingly he'd responded with: birthday suit ;)

He was utterly useless.

Just as I was about to choose the Winnie the Pooh dress I'd worn before in the shop just to wind him up, I got a ping on my phone as a text message promptly arrived.

If that's out of the question, the Pooh dress will do nicely. :) - Z

There went my original idea out of the window (although it was good to know that my quirky dress style was somewhat appreciated by two guys). Instead, I'd called Louisa to ask her expert opinion; she was usually good with fashion. Unlike me, she had an eye for the details. She squealed with delight at the prospect of helping her best friend - who through no fault of her own was woefully lacking in the style stakes - decide on what to wear for a big night out with her boyfriend and frenemy.

Happily, Louisa had rushed over in less than twenty minutes (she lived a half a dozen bus stops away from me), and so began the hunt for the perfect outfit. With enviable speed, Louisa the stylist eyed the items of clothing in my wardrobe, tutting at some unfortunate pieces which I'd picked up on sale and other odd bits and pieces.

'Candy, I am so disappointed in you,' she was saying as she moved the hangers to one side.


'You should always try to clear out your wardrobe twice a year at least. It stops you collecting hideous pieces like this,' Louisa grabbed one of my T-shirts which featured the Powerpuff girls proudly posing. It was cute — that's why I'd got it.

'I can't help it, Lou,' I said, hurt that she was putting it in the a garbage bag that I hadn't noticed until then, 'what are you doing—' I tried to protest.

Louisa shushed me with a look. 'No buts, girl. I'm doing you a favour.'

I rolled my eyes at her.

'You always say that when we go clothes shopping...' I said darkly.

'Candy...' Louisa narrowed her eyes, before we both broke into smiles, used to each others mannerisms. 'I can go... and leave you to wear this.' She pointed at a light pink dress with ruffles and tiny delicate roses leading down from the bodice to the waist and skirt. I had been thinking about wearing that particular dress, but now that I realised that Louisa didn't approve I was doubting my choice.

'What's wrong with that dress? It's pretty.' I was slightly offended by her assessment.

Louisa motioned me to come over and stand in front of the mirror; she held the dress up to my body and, after looking at my reflection, sighed. 'You're right. It is pretty. I'm just not sure it's the right sort of look you should be going for when dining out with your boyfriend and, your rich, but wicked frenemy.'

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