37 | just did

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I tried not to freak out about four words. It was stupid how much Zachary's message had an affect on me. I mean I had a crush on him, so it was natural to feel these illogical emotions for such a good-looking guy. Why was I even analysing the situation? We were reluctant 'friends' — frenemies, I suppose. But enemy was too strong a word. I had to chide myself. Why was I even over-analysing the situation? I know what Louisa would have done if she got his message. She would have sent him a flirty picture...

And wasted no time in jumping his bones.

I didn't really want to imagine anything else. She was pretty bold, admirably so. Why was I even wasting time ruminating what my best friend would have done? He was just a guy...

He didn't matter to me — I didn't want him to die, but sometimes I thought about it when he crowing at me while he was stuffing poor little cupcakes in his mouth. He chose the prettiest ones to spite me; I couldn't really say anything because he bought twenty pounds worth of cupcakes. What a cad! To his credit, the strange guy taunting me at his usual window seat had given a bumblebee cupcake to a baby who was making eyes at him.

I was too miserable to even care about what I said to him. My thumbs skipped across the keyboard as I typed my succinct response.

Hi. It went terrible. :(

A few seconds later, Zachary responded.

Sorry to hear that. You're upset?

Yes. Jonny's family are hard to please. I don't think his parents approve of me...

I approve of you. Surely that counts for something? ;)

Despite my determination to soak in my misery, he managed to raise a smile out of me.

As your friend, I think you should give me the low down of the exact events that took place. What did they do that was horrendous? Are they middle class? What do they do? Are they are as adamant about their emotions as their spawn?

I stared at his list of questions and shook my head at his gall. It was typical of him to want to know EVERYTHING.

Why have you gone silent on me?

Followed by: CANDICE!

Uh, because I was writing my to-do list for the next day in my diary. Thanks for your patience, Professor Malone.


Wait, you keep a diary? Am I mentioned within it?

Sureee! I mention how dazzled I am by your beautiful blue eyes and how intimidated I am by your masculine ways. *sarcastic eye roll*


WTF. You can't do that!

I gasped as I saw his number flash up on my screen. When I answered on the seventh ring, anything to stop the demanding sounds which reminded me of him, finally confronting the person who I would have preferred not to talk to when I was in my worse mood, I didn't anticipate how much the sound of his voice soothed me.

'Just did,' he said eagerly, 'I want to know everything about your day, Sleeping Beauty. You have thirty minutes because I have a morning lecture tomorrow. It's on flight dynamics and control. You're worth disrupting my sleep schedule for. Just don't disappoint me, Candice. I want some juicy details.'

Oh god. I took a deep breath. Thirty minutes? He ran a tight ship...

 Thirty minutes? He ran a tight ship

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