40 | ferris wheel

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The fair was filled with the eery screams of people having fun, not a care in the world. The sickly sweet smell of popcorn invaded my nostrils. Scattered around were a few familiar rides. On a quick inspection, I saw that there was a ferris wheel, bumper cars, a roundabout and a bouncy castle amongst other scare-inducing rides. There was a row of stalls where you could win a prize if you were good at whatever game they wanted you to play.

I expected a feeling of guilt about seeing him alone, as though I'd broken the secret, unspoken rule of romantic relationships. I felt like I had an emotional relationship with a guy, who I regarded as a friend, but who I was really crushing on — like mad. I thought that he was crushing on me too, which made the situation even more awkward. Therefore, it was ludicrous that we had decided to meet up.

However, we seemed to defy logic. Perhaps I thought that by giving into him I would, eventually, be immune to his charms or see him a negative light.

As I saw him chatting and laughing with a group of college-aged kids, it didn't make any sense to feel the momentary shock slap me in the face. Seeing him was enough to make me feel like I was having an endorphin rush on a massive scale.

I placed a hand to my cheeks. I felt like my world was over. This had to stop.

I was close to leaving, but I heard my name being called in a irresistibly peppy tone by the one and only thorn in my side — Zachary. He was waving me over and now his friends were looking curiously over at me.

Oh shit.

'Candice! Don't just stand there with your deer in the headlights look!'

He was grinning as if my discomfort was a source of pleasure.

Double shit.

My legs moved towards him compelled by a force separate from my swirling thoughts.

'Hello!' I somehow willed myself to speak.

Zachary's eyes hungrily swept over my face. How could someone else's stare give me chills they way his did? A steady hand lightly touched my back as he leaned down to whisper in my ear. His breath cool against my earlobe, his presence sending tingles down my spine from our proximity.

'Definitely appealing.' A dashing smile. 'Introductions!' Now business-like.

He went around the group introducing me to the strangers.

'This is Todd.' Todd, an Asian guy, with sleepy eyelids and square, black-framed glasses, nodded at me.

'This is Lukas.' Lukas held out his hand for a handshake. He gave me a brief smile; he too looked sleep-deprived. I noted that he spoke with an Eastern European accent. Russian, perhaps?

'And the guy unwrapping a polo is Ryan. A fellow duel-citizen like myself. Except in his case, his dad is an American and his mother is Swedish, right?'

'Right.' Ryan looked up. Popping the mint in his mouth, sucking on it. 'Except I was born in Jordan. Blame my indecisive diplomat father,' he winked.

Along with the others, I laughed properly for the first time since before I began my exams. Ryan was the tallest out of the strangers. He was smiling down at me with a warm twinkle in his eye.

'Another global alien,' Zachary scoffed.

'I'm a single citizen.' I smiled at Ryan.

'Oh are you?' He said, raising his eyebrow. 'That's good news.'

I blushed when I realised the double meaning of his words. 'Uh, I...'

'Ryan, leave the baby alone! She startles easily...' Zachary quickly moved along to introducing me to the lone girl in the group.

'And this is Annika. Meet Candice - my little pet.'

'And here was I thinking I had the honour...' she said exasperatedly, then broke out into a light giggle.

'You're much too smart for that,' he replied smoothly. 'Candice is a special case, aren't you?' He turned his attention back on me, self-satisfaction evident on his face.

'Am I?' I said cheerily. 'I'm sure you know all about me by now, Zachary. How long have you guys known him for?' I turned to his friends, a wide smile on my face. I'd have to make the best of the situation; besides, I didn't want to be a buzzkill in front his friends, even if he wasn't in the best of moods that day. I put it down to anxiety.

'For eons it seems,' Todd joked. 'He leaves quite an impression.'

'Yeah, you could say that.' I dragged my eyes over to him. Zachary inclined his head as an acknowledgement of our comments. He seemed like he was relishing my presence. Somehow I felt like I was under his spotlight. The feeling wasn't entirely unpleasant. Perhaps it was his singular intensity and focus that made me realise how seductive he could be.

I was surprised that he wanted to introduce me to his friendship circle — I'll be honest with you — I never thought I'd make the cut. He was out of my league by long shot. I'm not saying I thought I was unworthy, but he had it all, despite his poor little rich guy routine. Perhaps rich people had a different set of problems from poor people, despite the cushion of wealth. It was hard not to think of him as an object; a rare, exceedingly fine object that had appeared out of nowhere. Except he was flesh and blood. Why had he stepped into my father's bakery that morning all those months ago?

Was there a lesson to be learned here?

Perhaps his patronage was the key to my father's hopes?

If there was one emotion that overshadowed the rest for me at that moment, it was amazement. Pure, unfiltered amazement.

'Candice, are you good with heights?' Zachary jerked his head towards one of the rides. His tone was brimming with curiosity.

'No,' I said, 'I'm scared of heights.'

'Too bad.' He made a dissatisfied sound with his lips. 'Can I change your mind?'

'You don't want to see me cry.'

'Nothing hurts a man more than seeing a girl cry...' Lukas interjected, in the flattest possible tone.

'I never took you for a softie, Lukas.' Annika's lips stretched into an ironic smile.

'It must be all that smouldering passion. Russians!' Zachary smirked. 'Well, I think I'll give it a miss—'

'Don't let me spoil your fun,' I protested, desiring that he should enjoy himself — after all, he had invited me.

'Are you sure there's nothing I can do to change your mind?' he wheedled; he squeezed my upper arm gently.

'You did say you wanted to go on that ride when we first arrived here...' Annika ran her fingers through her hair. She was pretty in an effortless, tousled way. She looked like the type of girl who was easy to get along with, but who had no qualms in letting you know what she really thought of you. Sensible, but edgy.

I could tell that he was torn about whether to go on the ride or stay, but after a few seconds, his mind seemed to be made up. He wasn't one to dither over a decision.

'I'll see you soon,' he said briskly.

'Enjoy!' I called out.

Ryan, who decided to stay with me, because of a combination of indifference and stomach pains from rides like the ferris wheel, was good company. I was relieved that I wasn't alone. In some ways, I felt like a third wheel.

 In some ways, I felt like a third wheel

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