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Melody's POV

"What a fearsome heartbeat.. it plays a terrible melody of rage."

That was the first thing I thought of him when our paths first crossed. I was on my way to the hunter association agency to find a job. It had been too long since I'd done anything and I've been too busy drowning myself in cheerless tunes. Wishing everything would go back to how they were, but not doing anything about it.

As I passed him my heart dropped from hearing the screaming rage inside of his chest. I decided to ignore it thinking I'd never see this guy again, but I was wrong. I now stand in silence next to the boy whose heart cracks a little as every second passes.

After I passed him I walked into the association agency hoping to find a job that would fit my interests. I immediately noticed the clerks aura as she asked me a few simple questions. She questioned what type of job I searched for and my experience in working for others. I replied telling her that I just wished for something having to do with the upcoming auction.

The woman gave me a funny look before mentioning "funny, the boy who was just in here asked for that too!" I immediately started brainstorming ideas about your past, what you wanted to do with the auction, and what could have triggered your bitterness. I asked the woman to put me on the same job you'd chosen and she agreed sending me in your direction.

Since we've arrived, we went through a small series of tests proving we both deserved a place with the Nostrade family. Given a list of collectible items I happened to notice your heart rate speed up and a song of rage bursting from inside of your chest. I looked up to see a photograph of a pair of scarlet eyes being shown on the screen. I turn my head to spot you clenching your teeth and gripping your phone too tight for comfort. I wanted to ask what was wrong but decided to save the question for later.

"That's the same sound I heard earlier, " I say trying the break the silence between us. He turns back confused and I decide that I'd have to explain myself. He knew that I was able to hear heartbeats but he may not understand the information it could give off. He knew little of my talent or myself. But, I knew little of him as well. All I knew was that his name was Kurapika and his heartbeat plays a terrible melody of rage.

"You see, I happened to see you leaving the hunter agency. When you walked past me your heart was playing a melody of rage. May I ask you a question?" I ask him straight up. He replied with a simple yes and I continue my questioning.

"Scarlet eyes. Exactly what do they mean to you?" The question I've been wondering for quite a while now.

"Why do you ask?" He asks tensing up.

"No real reason. Curiosity?" I admitted.

"When you saw the image on the data card, your heartbeat was even more fearsome. It played a melody of boundless fury." I say slightly worried that I'd upset him.

"I suppose that I can't lie...I am a Kurta. Our eyes are normally brown, but they're red when we're excited. So I wear black contacts to avoid discovery. I am searching for the eyes taken from my brethren. I'll do whatever it takes to return their eyes to them." I look down nervously not knowing what to say. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose everything you'd known and loved to someone who cares about nothing except obtaining what they want.

Kurapika looks at me and I know he'd just confessed everything. He asked me if I'd report what I've heard to the boss but I reply with a quick no. I would never tell anyone of this moment or his history and I was hoping he'd take my word for it. I must've looked suspicious because Kurapika soon asked me what was wrong.

"When you began to confess your true nature to me, your heartbeat was calm but frigid. The heartbeat of one who is prepared to kill." I replied noticing how close I might have just come with death.

"Why did you take this job?" Kurapika replied calmly. I'm shocked he didn't mention anything about my previous comment but I decide that it would be better if I don't say anything.

"Why do you ask?" I try to say peacefully. "I'll probably lie," I admit. I haven't told anyone of my reasoning behind taking this job. It's not like I'm a murderer or anything I just prefer keeping to myself.

"I'll know if you're lying by your eyes." He looks at me with a small smirk. I smile and decide that he's someone who I could trust. He'd just told me his whole past and mine wasn't nearly as bad as his.

"I'm looking for the Sonata of Darkness. A solo said to have been composed by the devil. There are four versions, for the piano, violin, flute, and harp. If a human plays or listens to the piece, it's said that disaster will befall them." I tell him deciding to let it all out.

"I doubt something like that could exist in reality." He says confused. I thought that too until everything fell apart.

I lift my sleeve to reveal the rotting flesh covering my arm. Kurapika cringes a little but doesn't turn away like the average person would after seeing something like that. I try not to look down at my own arms often and try my best to cover them up with long sleeves or jackets. Just the sight of them causes my body to shiver and I'm torn with despair over with of what used to be.

"I've heard the flute version. One movement alone turned me into this. My friend who played the piece died, their entire body ending up like this. That friend learned a single movement from someone who never said to play the music. That day, we were drunk and giddy. My body was destroyed, but I gained this ability in return. However, I wish to restore my body. I'm willing to do anything. I don't want anyone else to end up like me. So I'll find the score and destroy it."

My eyes start to tear up a bit from thinking of my friend. It wouldn't be right to just call him a friend but I can't muster up the strength to call him my lover. I watched his whole body decay right in front of me while tears rushed down my face wishing I could've done anything to stop it.

Every time I see my arms it reminds me of him and I can't help but cry wondering why life took him, leaving me. No one should have to go through seeing their loved one disintegrate in front of their eyes. I won't stop searching until I've found all of the sonata's scores and destroyed them.

"Is there any known cure?" Kurapika asked snapping me back into reality.

"Not that I know of. Few knew about the score so if there was a cure it wouldn't be easy to find."

"Don't worry! Even if you can't find a cure just finding the music itself prevents others from going through the same pain you did" Kurapika said flashing a quick smile. His cold eyes and warm smile resembled those of my lover and I could see pieces of him in Kurapika. He seemed cold-hearted at first but now gave off a pleasant aura surrounding me in encouragement.

I knew the chances of finding a cure were slim to none but it was worth a shot. My lover could never be brought back no matter how hard I prayed but I could at least make an attempt to regain my old body. In my current state I resembled a rodent, had bulging eyes, a receding hairline turned fully gray, and I've shrunk about 2 feet. While many perceive me as an older woman probably around 50 with my physical form I'm only 16. I doubt that anyone would believe me if I'd try to tell them anyways.

Part of me wants Kurapika to know that I'm closer to his age than he may think but I decided there was no point of telling him. It's not like he'd like me just because I'm a teenager. Getting Kurapika to like me would be harder than that. I had to do something, something big. It was clear that he showed a lack of trust towards anyone and earning ti from him would be a hard task to complete.

It was just a matter of time before I fully lost touch with him. He left the Nostrade family in search of the remaining eyes of his brethren without a trace.There had to be something I could do to find him. I had to see him again.

The Scarlet Eyes & The Sonata Of Darkness ( Kurapika x Melody )Where stories live. Discover now