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Kurapika's POV

My attempt at sprinting was quite an embarrassment so I decided it would be a better idea to walk instead. I made it to my destination in a decent amount of time and looked around for anyone suspicious. I watched as many people passed by without giving a single glance in my direction. I started to wonder if anyone was even coming to meet me. I decided it would be best to wait another 10 minutes and if no one showed up then I would take a cab back to Melody's house. As for the moment, I thought to sit down at a nearby bench. I began to walk over to it when someone put their hand on my shoulder forcing me to turn around.

"What a pleasure to see you again Kurapika," the voice said giving me a quick shock. I knew this voice. It wasn't the first time I'd heard it today.

"Chrollo Lucilfer," I reply to his comment.

"How'd you guess?" he asked flashing a fake smile.

"Your lines aren't original and you've used that one already," I replied turning my nose up at him.

"Geez Kurta, you don't have to be so rude about it," Chrollo says a bit hurt by my comment.

"I don't have to be nice to you about anything Lucilfer. Now tell me why you texted me about Melody," I said setting down the law. I was sick of his games and he was getting on my last nerve.

"I thought you'd want to know," he replies rudely.

"Of course I'd want to know. But it would've been nice to know this before I told her I found a cure for the Sonata!" I shout back not realizing that I'd raised my voice.

"I forgot, it's as simple as that," he says smirking.

"Sure you did," I say rolling my eyes at him. "Now tell me exactly what would happen if she was to follow with the cure of the sonata."

"She'd die," he replies with a shrug.

"But how exactly. I need details," I say pushing him for answers.

"What else is there for me to tell you?" was all Chrollo had to say.

"If that's all you had to say why couldn't you do it over text?" I ask him. If he wasn't going to tell me any information he could've at least saved me the trip here. I could've been next to Melody right now trying to figure out how to break the news to her.

"It's a bit embarrassing to admit but I don't have too many friends kurapika. I'd like to consider you as a close acquaintance and I do in fact enjoy your company. It seems as if all you do is try to fight with me but I don't mind. Most of my life's consisted of fighting and sometimes I just enjoy the company of another person," he says blushing. I want to feel bad for him after hearing his sob story but then I remember who he is. He's Chrollo Lucilfer, a murder of innocent lives, I was never meant to feel any pity for a piece of trash like him.

"That's nice of you to say but I'd rather not talk to you. I have better things to do and people I care about to tend to. So I bid you farewell Lucilfer," I replied flagging down a cab. I turned back to watch Chrollo as I left but he was already gone.

The Scarlet Eyes & The Sonata Of Darkness ( Kurapika x Melody )Where stories live. Discover now