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Kurapika's POV

I enter Chrollo's room to find nothing out of the ordinary. It looked normal...too normal. What has he been hiding in here?

"Do you prefer black tea or green tea?" He asks.

"Black" I reply taking a seat on one of the chairs in his small living room.

"May I ask how you've been? I haven't seen you in quite some times Kurapika."

"It's none of your business how I've been," I respond rejecting to answer any of his questions.

"Oh honey, I don't think you know how this works. I see that you've come here to retrieve something and if you want to have any chance of getting it you have to play by my rules." I feel as he grabs the back of my hair pulling my head closer to his. He adjusts me to look straight into his eyes and he continues his questions.

"Now I'll ask again. How have you been?" He says placing the cup of tea in front of me.

"Wouldn't you know how I've been? It seems like you keep track of your prey pretty well." I reply remembering his previous endeavors.

"Matter of fact I do. But, you're not my prey so I wouldn't know." He says sitting down in a seat across from me. I realize that I have to choose my words carefully and to not make any hasty decisions.

"I've been fine," I say finally answering his question.

"Now, tell me why I've gotten the pleasure of receiving such a wonderful visit from you?" He asks sipping his tea.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I can see that you haven't contacted either of the little ones and not even your boyfriend. What gives me this honor?" He asks, gray eyes staring more intently on my own.

"Don't think you're special. You have something that isn't yours and I would like to take it back now" I reply taking a sip of my own tea.

"Why I have many things that aren't mine. What item do you have in question?" He asks smiling behind his mug.

"Cut the act Lucilfer. I think we both know what I've come here for." I reply getting tired of his games.

"If it's the scarlet eyes you're talking about, I just happen to have them right here" He replies before turning around. He reaches behind his chair and to my surprise pulls out the scarlet eyes, perfectly intact.

"You want them? You can have them. They don't seem to give me much interest nowadays."

"I doubt that you would ever give anyone something for free, even if you were tired of it."

"You're right. You see I'm not here to bargain with you. I'm here to test you." He replies with a smile.

"What do you mean test me?" I ask confused. Did he want me to fight him for the eyes?

"You see, I've seen you around. And I've noticed that you've grown quite fond of your little friend. Melody was it?"

"What about her?" Was he about to drag her into this? This is exactly why I didn't want to get close with anyone.

"I hear she's looking to destroy the sonata of darkness."

"Yeah, your point?" I ask trying to end his stalling.

"I may or may not have an idea of how to destroy them." Damn, he was testing me.

"And?" I ask getting fed up.

"Wouldn't you like for me to tell you what I know?"

"Sure I do, but what will it cost me?" I ask remaining calm.

"Finally, the ever so entertaining question. It's not what it will cost you, it's what will you give up?" He says taking another sip of his tea.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not charging you anything. I'll give you it for free. But you can only choose one thing. Do you want your precious eyes or would you like to know how to destroy the Sonata?" I had to think on this one. Melody was my friend but helping her was not what I came to do. Yet, I feel something inside of me telling me that I need to help a friend.

"So what will it be Kurapika? Your eyes or her Sonata?" He says taking the final sip of his tea.

Author Note-

If you haven't noticed already there will be an update for this story every Wednesday :)

The Scarlet Eyes & The Sonata Of Darkness ( Kurapika x Melody )Where stories live. Discover now