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Melody's POV

I entered the cafe a few minutes after I'd left the arena. My hands trembled as I reached for the door and I wondered if I should turn back. What if Kurapika didn't have good news? What if Chrollo had scammed him and or used him. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I knew I had to find out.

I walked into the building quickly looking around to spot Kurapika's familiar face. An aroma of vanilla and chocolate rushed blew my face as I watched a waitress passed me holding 3 different types of coffees. I decided to get a table noticing that he was not here yet. Part of me wondered if he forgot but that thought soon left my mind as I spotted his golden hair pop out of the doorway.

I waved to him as I noticed his stare. A waitress stopped him as he walked over to the table. I felt a pang of jealousy with every word he gave her. I wasn't sure what she asked him but I just hoped that it wasn't for his number.

"Hey," I look up to see Kurapika towering over me. I didn't see the eyes in his hands and there weren't any bags on him. Did he not take the offer?

"I know what you're thinking. I know I'm late but don't worry I'll make it up to you," he says brushing off a bit of sweat from his forehead.

"Oh don't worry about it. You don't owe me anything," I reply. I felt my cheeks flush a soft pink as I tried to cover it lifting my coffee cup up hoping that it would hide my face.

"No, seriously. I'm terribly sorry and I'll make it up to you," he says again worried that I wouldn't forgive him.

"It's okay," I reply not trying to argue with him.

"I have some good news for you," he says turning the conversation into a lighter mood that it has been so far.

"Oh really?" I hope he was about to tell me that he had gotten the last pair of eyes and that he work would finally be done. I knew that his work would never really be done but part of me hoped that it would be eventually. Once he was finished with the eyes and the troupe he'd be able to calm down. Every Time I saw him he'd be filled with angst and stress. If he just took a break once and awhile he'd be able to see his friends and maybe settle down.

"Yeah, Chrollo told me the cure for the sonata," he says with a smile.

"Oh, that's great," I replied. I tried to be happy about this but some part of me couldn't. If he didn't finish his mission that meant there was still a chase. If he chose the Sonata that means the eyes were still in the hands of Chrollo. Why on earth would he ever choose my Sonata over his own brethren's eyes? Why would he ever put my problems over his needs?

Author Note-

I have finals next week so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to write. I've been studying this whole week so there wasn't a huge update but I'll definitely write more once summer comes. Also, I'm learning a Sonata for my regionals try out for orchestra and I just thought it was interesting since this book is about a Sonata XD

The Scarlet Eyes & The Sonata Of Darkness ( Kurapika x Melody )Where stories live. Discover now