dating a pervert

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10th grade: nohs: the beginning of my love life.

Aug.-Dec 2012: these were the months and year that showed me there was more to life than just waking up every day and going to school until you're old enough to get a job and it was all thanks to one person, a guy named Cole. he had long brown hair that covered his deep brown eyes, he wore pond scum green t-shirts, jeans, and either a pair of slipons or tennis shoes. We sat together at lunch on the first day of school and every day after that, we started talking about our lives, and just plain getting to know each other. after a few days of us doing that,

"can I ask you a personal question?" he asked. I Gave him the look you might give your parents when they ask you an awkward question about you and your boyfriend's relationship, but I shrugged my shoulders and said "eh, depends on what it is." which he obviously took this for a yes, because the next thing I know he's like "did anyone in your family ever have surgery done on their breasts?" I shot him another "this is awkward" look, then said "just one." he went silent for a moment, then he started talking again "who?" he asked. at this point, this was the question I was hoping he wouldn't ask. "It was my mom's mom," I answered quickly, not wanting to continue the conversation as it was getting extremely awkward for me. we spent the rest of that lunch in silence, I had no words for what had just happened, it was unbelievable that he would even ask such a thing. within the next few weeks he began asking me out a lot, I, in turn, rejected him thinking he'd eventually just forget about it, but boy was I wrong, not only did he keep asking me, but when he asked me it seemed as if he were a human puppy dog begging to be taken out for a walk, finally I just got fed up with it and said "yes" just to get him to quit asking me out, and I thought it had worked, but about a month or so later he asked me if I was going to homecoming and I said "I don't know.", then I felt bad for turning him down the last time and I decided to go. I got home that day and told my mom, and she was surprised that I even wanted to go. I thought I would just tell her and that would be the end of all this nonsense, but I was wrong yet again, a group of his freshman friends started asking me if I was going to homecoming with him "shut up." I told them, but they didn't they just kept on and on "are you going to homecoming with Cole?" I shoved my headphones in my ear, cranked the volume up, and walked away. a day or two later, my friend came over to the house after school, he and my mom were talking about me and how I don't usually like going to these kinda things, and "yeah, I kinda talked her into going." He said. (LoL, excuse me, you think you talked me into going, I  decided to go just to see if people actually danced.) I thought. a couple months later, he was at my house and we were just you know hanging out on the front porch sitting on the swing and he was like "do you ever wanna have sex?" I gave him the look again, then I said "that's just something that I consider to be for adults, not for younger people." when really I wanted to be like: are you crazy, I don't wanna end up with a child!

end of unknown specific dates this begins stories about specific dates.

Dec.11,2012: we were walking down the hall to the cafeteria and "do you wanna hang out?" he asked. "Uh, Sure," I said. a few moments later I was sitting outside in our usual spot upon the brick wall, but on this particular day, i was sitting alone. sure, I was surrounded by familiar faces, but they were nothing more than a bunch of icy bitches and comedic jerks that had absolutely no desire to speak to me. I quickly finished my food, slapped on a new coat of my cranberry kiss lip gloss, then I hurried off to meet my bftb(boyfriend to be) in the library. I walked into the library and found my friend aimlessly browsing through the nonfiction section. we sat down on the love seat for about five minutes, then we moved to a table at the edge of the room next to one of the empty shelves and talked as usual except this time we talked about more than just school. this conversation was the one that basically made our relationship official. First off, he asked me about my parents' divorce, which I'd told him about a week or so before this day," it's fine." I sighed. we spent a few moments in silence, then he broke the silence with "do you wanna go outside?" "Sure, why not?." I said. He grabbed me by the hand for a minute, let it go, then led me outside, to one of the benches that rested on the sidewalk somewhere between the library and the main gym. I sat down on the bench and waited for him to come down. it didn't take long, within a moment's notice, he was sitting beside me with his arm around my shoulder.

the conversation before an unexpected turn of events:

Cole: do you wanna be my girlfriend?

me: I know I do, I just don't know about you(i'm not sure if I want to or not, but at this point, I'm tired of not having a boyfriend)*hugs guy*

Cole:*hugs back* *lets go of me*


Cole: can I kiss you?(on the lips)

me: eh, I'm not too sure about that(not on the lips)*gives cheek* 

Cole: awe come on *turns body sideways and leans over in front of me* *kisses my lips forcibly*

me: *looks around to see if anyone is looking*

Cole: what's wrong?

me: it just feels like someone's staring at us

Cole: oh

And that was the day I got my awkward, magical first kiss, and my first boyfriend.


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