It almost happened

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May 20, 2014:
Today was probably the best day of my life. we snuck out of the cafeteria, walked down to the pasture, and sat on the hay-bales underneath the shed for a few minutes. At first, we were just sitting there and he was gently squeezing my breasts, then he was trying to take my shirt off, and we started making out. during those first few sessions, I could've sworn he was trying to eat me alive or possibly push me off. I had to stop for a few seconds to prevent that from happening.
Both:*sitting on uneven hay bails*
Me:*shifts position slightly*
him: what?
Me: I was about to fall off
him:*laughs* oh
Me: that's probably not helping
*looks towards a bail that's slightly out of place*
him:*pushes it back into place*
Me:*sits back down*
then we continued our make out session and he tried for my shirt.
Me: are you crazy?
him: crazy how?
me: I don't know, just crazy
him: maybe
after that, we headed back to the cafeteria and that's when our little trick fell apart. the teachers were standing right outside the door awaiting our return
teacher: where have y'all been?
me:(I'm Innocent, I never left)
*runs off swiftly towards the back of the cafeteria to sit with an innocent friend*
him: I went to the bathroom
teacher: who were you with?
Him: no one
teacher: if you have to go to the bathroom, you go in here
me:*sitting at a table with a friend* oh shit
later still, we headed back outside, this time we were behind the brick wall where all the guys were playing football. we were just sitting there making out and talking. He had picked me up and put me in his lap, but I kept getting in and out of it. So one of the times when I was out of it, I had my legs hanging over the side of his and he was rubbing my feet. One of the guys comes over and looks down at us.
guy: Y'all quit making out and come play football
Guy: Come on
Me:*Gives guy that look that means you better leave him alone or else*
guy: Don't look at me like that
*runs back to his buddies*
Me: I can't believe they would just assume that we're doing that, we weren't even doing anything that time(you were massaging my feet for god's sake)
Him: what?
Me: nothing(that we were making out)
we continued what we were doing, but I got out of his lap and placed my hand in the center of his shorts, while he had his fingers scratching my sweet hole, then slowly slipping them into my mouth letting me suck on them like a pacifier. I laid down on his shoulder for a little while longer, then he grabbed my hand and pulled it halfway into his shorts. I pulled my hand away from his "that's okay, you just do whatever you're comfortable with."
He said, then he pulled his dick out of his pants, it was huge from the angle I was looking from and quite honestly I was a bit disgusted by it. I covered my face and turned my head, then told him to put it away, which thankfully he did as he was told and I put my hand right back where it was. a few minutes later he picked me up again, but this time turning me to face him, then grabbing my legs and throwing them on either side of him. as I got settled into position, I slid up closer to him, sitting right on top of the bulge in his pants and moving my face closer to his, then when I finally settled my ass on top of his he was moving up and down like crazy. I kept trying to push him back down to a sitting position, but that wasn't working so I just sat there enjoying the little ride I was getting. When I thought I'd had enough I moved back a little, but that wasn't the end of it, he lifted my shirt up suddenly. I gave him a look and he said "I'm going to go under" and I said "okay", then he put his whole head underneath my shirt along with his hands. he pushed my bra up a little bit, then before I knew it he was licking my breasts and sucking on them. I almost ducked my head under too, but then I realized how awkward that would be to see him doing that and I stopped because I was really enjoying it and I didn't want him to stop. When we finally walked back into the cafeteria at around 3:21, the same guy that had tried to get us to play football was asking questions.
guy: Joe, who do you think is the hottest girl in school
Him: do you even need to ask
*leaves room*
guy: what's your name?
me: Lindsay
guy: does Joe have a big dick?
me: I'm not gonna tell you that!(da fuck you ask me that for? that's classified information)
Him:*walks back into room, fixes pants*
me:*grabs backpack and puts it on*
him:*grabs purse off the table and hands it to me*
Me: thanks
Both:*walk out of room*
May 21, 2014: the last day of school Okay so, me and my friends Adam and London are sitting at a lunch table playing apples to apples and I have my music turned on. Cards are flying, dirty jokes are reeling, and my 'Gay' friend, Adam is leaning closer to London trying to kiss her as she leans the opposite way. As all of this is going on I'm sitting there thinking
(I thought you were gay, you're not supposed to like girls), but earlier that week I had also heard him say he had a thing for redheads so obviously my friend's hair was what he considered red.

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